Im sorry to hear that Tom, don’t give up yet! if you truly think she is the one, you will really end up together, but it takes work and effort and getting threw problems to make it there.
hey, there's been almost 9 months' work and effort . . . and i am fed up now
oh bigtom, yes your signature has gone
, what happened? you took tooo long to see her or shes worried that the date of you meeting is near ??? , its not over til the fat lady sings, i went thru this many times with the misses, and we still got married in the end
well ...
i'm not sure i want to deal with this anymore
i spend lots of money to call her
the least she can do is say bye before she slams the fone ...
and also ...
i said "do u still love me" ... and she did NOT answer
she just hung up
'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'
pea, i will not be hung up on
too much disrespect
Hi Brother Tom,
Having a row or argument does happen to us as well. In any relationship sometimes theres ups and downs. Maybe just give yourself and her a bit space, let each other think of what had happend on the last 24 hours. Im sure if she realised if its her fault then she will make a way to ask for apology and if its your fault you have to admit your mistake and reconcilliate. I dont know exactly what had happend, but I don`t think you will not come to this point, as you said nine months, if you didn`t really care to each other.
I know how it feels, Tom Ive been through all these, but Im still here through the years, as I do believe that if you love someone and if you know that she loves you ,too you will not let her go. It should be you and her against the world. Try to look at from her point of view. Maybe she didnt mean to hung the phone, maybe theres other reasons.
I remember when my fiance and I have rows and he was very cross and raised his voiced, as I couldn`t stand to talk to someone who se shouting at me, I did hang up the telephone. He keeps sending me txt messages but I just ignored it, until he realised his fault and ask for apology in his email and then we start to talk again.
Yesterday, you were asking about the angry management, so I assumed that you get angry to her. Please do not misundertood me, your a good man in this forum and it seems you did contribute a lot of good post and advice in this forum,so we just trying to help you.
Anyway, it is your life. whatever it is , I hope you find peace and joy in your heart. Cheer up Brother Tommi.
thanks for ur nice long reply
i don't think i was angry til today
after she hung up
now i am really mad![]()
Just phone her up...and when she answers.....hang up....Make YOU feel better
Keith - Administrator
sounds like a plan keith
It takes a lot of patience and efforts to make the relationship works, especially in a long distance relationship. Theres a lot of things to consider.
Take your time, calm yourself down.
There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.
can i butt in? just bored and cold here....hehehe...
if she hungs up, only one thing is CLEAR
insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...
Now you can vent...
and wait.
then maybe read the Dalai Lama book?
he's very practical, you know..
insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...
Geezer after a quick scan of the messages its been a busy day and all that.
Geez don't call her take a break and chill.
At first it will be tough stop beating your self up.
Shes having tampo best way imo to deal with it is to do it back and better. Trust me i can not talk for days if needed.
Best to say nothing you might regret, i thought when i have an arguement its all, over two hours later we are all happy again.
Have a chill pill and zip de lips.
the best thing for u to do now is to stay calm..Less talk, less mistakes..Remember, it takes two to tango..
I remember my grandfather always tell me this one, it is a very good advise and i am sure u can relate too son..
"don't talk too much when u are mad, u might say things u don't meant to say, making decision takes time, don't rush, Life is like a chess game One wrong move and ur game is all messed up.."
tom,you really have to get used to her tantrums its part of there make up lol,
i think when they get mad they're like 5 year old kids having a fit but they're grown women!
u both must of had arguments before? how long did these last before she started talking again?
there must be a reason why this happened? just dont fight fire with fire.
that time of the month my gf can go nuts,when shes tired and grumpy guess what she takes it out on me,there are times im shocked at what she says to me! but i never get mad back at her,i always stay calm and tell her i love her!
so whatever happens just stay calm theres no point in getting mad too!
Just txt her, simply say "Sorry for other night", and leave it at that for 2 days.
If you pay Kimmi 5000 pesos, she call her for you......![]()
Keith - Administrator
How long is a piece of string i dont know Mars, but don't let it mess with you.
Like Mr admin says a quick sms or email nothing overboard then two days break on your side.
If i were you tonight i would go out see friends or watch a film or two you enjoy. Particularly if you intend to have a few beers, either dont take your mobile or delete Mars number for the evening so you don't feel the urge to call or text. Brahmeds up calling/texting is not a good way forward as im sure your aware.
Let her chill and you chill dont bug her and bug yourself.
umm because i was doing night shift on work i hmm didn't like do any of what u told me sadly! grrr
i didn't get to meet with friends, I texted her announcing i was gonna call her, i called her, she didn't answer ... and so it continues
... but again ... there's only so much i would be willing to take lol
and deleting her number from my fone?
i know that number better than my own number! lol
how are u son?did she talked to u already?
well, she did then hung up lol
i am buzzing u on YM lol
sorry chuck is using my ym
we already talked last night
Look at it the other way if you needed a bit of space and the missus kept bugging you it might pee you off a little.
If you remebr the number then don't take your phone with you. I guess im differnt can't remebr my age let alone phone numbers, thank god for speed dial.
Hhmm... did you try to examine yourself? maybe you're asking too much and giving to much pressure on her that she can't handle anymore and she feels suffocated with all this pressure in her life. In a relationship, it should be give and take and must have loads of understanding. Give her space to breath and think.
thank u for your input charlwill
Very well put charwill, if i remeber corretly Mars has a full time job with fairly long hours?
Ask anyone on here or in your circle of friends and they will say sometimes they just need some personal space or at least a change.
I know its happened to me and read of others on here who it has happened to.
The Pinays on here im sure can fill you in. The prospect of someone you care about deeply is coming into sight before it was months off. Will it work out, will he like me? What happens if blah blah. This is what happened to my Wife before she first met me.
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