Quote Originally Posted by charlwill View Post
Hhmm... did you try to examine yourself? maybe you're asking too much and giving to much pressure on her that she can't handle anymore and she feels suffocated with all this pressure in her life. In a relationship, it should be give and take and must have loads of understanding. Give her space to breath and think.
Very well put charwill, if i remeber corretly Mars has a full time job with fairly long hours?

Ask anyone on here or in your circle of friends and they will say sometimes they just need some personal space or at least a change.
I know its happened to me and read of others on here who it has happened to.

The Pinays on here im sure can fill you in. The prospect of someone you care about deeply is coming into sight before it was months off. Will it work out, will he like me? What happens if blah blah. This is what happened to my Wife before she first met me.