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Thread: Different religion?

  1. #1
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Angry Different religion?

    I just need some inputs about this..... i Am currenty chatting with a man who has differnt religion from me, I was born and raised as a roman catholic here in the philippines, we are raised to believe that there was God and we go to church every sunday..... Does religion really matters in a relationship? what if the man we are into with has no religion/who doesnt believe that there was God, but though he said that he will respect the religion that i have, and he seems dont wnat that our children be raised as catholics, he said the children will choose when they are grwon up already, but we filipinos knows the importance of our religion and how it molds us to be a better person.... hohoho need some advice please....

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you both stop believing in fairy tales, you'll have no problem.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    as long as you believe in good and bad, i dont see any problem regardless of what your religion may be.

    you can go to church every day if you wish, but that does not make you a better person. it is what you do outside that counts.

    my husband and i have different religions. we compromise. for example, our wedding. we cant have it solemnized by a pastor because he is not christian and i dont expect him to change because i am one. we had a civil wedding instead. at the end of it, it was not about who solemnized and where it was solemnized, it was about how we respect our vows.

    kids. up to them, they can make their choices later on in life.

    i honestly dont see this as a problem, you just have to be open minded!

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    like sis Eula, I and my fiance are from different religions too so we opt to book our wedding on a civil rites this January..

    I can attend to my religion and he can also attend to what he believes, about the kids, we decided to give them choices whatever religion they want to.

    As long as both of u as a couple respect and understand each others religion, it wouldn't be an issue..

  5. #5
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    Hi Gracia,

    It is your life, the decision is yours if you want to live with the man who doesn`t believe that God exist then you go for it. But you have to make it clear to him that he should also respect your belief and likewise. My fiance has no religion, too but we didn`t have a problem about it. I respect his principles in life and he is a good person anyway even he doesn`t go to church every Sunday.
    But if you really can`t accept his principles then go find someone who have the same religion, its not too late anyway. Thats why before get yourself in a relationship you should have a list of qulities of man that you are looking for, you have to number it from the most important to least important, so if the religion is a big issue to you, then you should tell the guy from the start that you preferred someone with the same belief and in that case it will prevent you get disappointed in the future.


  6. #6
    Member Missyalice's Avatar
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    Hello Gracia_006,

    With respect on how to handle this religious difference on my view, I think it may be time to open a conversation with your bf. Let him know that this problem is troubling you and you would like to think of a solution together. Because if you really love each other you will be able to make some concessions.

    Relationships are all about compromise and if you work together on the problem you can find an amenable solution. If he has a religion, a good solution would be for him to attend your church and you attend his on a rotational schedule.

    With kidz, I think it is better for the children to go to both church as well and got to experience both sides. So, they can make their own decision later in life based on total awareness.

    On my own, Religious denomination is not important but what is essential is one’s relationship with God and our faith to Him.

    But if he doesn’t believe in God it is still up to you to decide if you can live with him forever and not regret in the future.

    Good Luck Gracia!

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    With kidz, I think it is better for the children to go to both church as well and got to experience both sides.
    I think it is best they don't, let them grow up in a neutral environment, and when they are old enough they can decide for themselves. We have a go at terrorists for being brainwashed, but putting any child in a religious environment is brainwashing pure & simple. This has nothing to do with belief, but protection of the child, as religeon then puts them in a catergory, and each catergory has a level of hate towards another one.
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    this is a very interesting discussion lol

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as i've said the other day, my mom was a jehovah witness, i went to a chuch of england school, dad was catholic, wife is catholic being a filipina , and I don't believe in any of them, problems no, only if your an extremist , and i'm trying to stop the wife from making little joe catholic , as scouser keith says, he can be what he wants, when hes old enough to decide himself... til then i'll just let him play and grow up

  10. #10
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I completely agree with Keith. Kids should be allowed to make up their own minds when they're old enough not brainwashed from a young age.

    When my wifes cousin asked me in Cebu what my religion was I told him I had none and no-one I knew believed either, he didn't believe me! Now that's brainwashed when you can't accept that people don't believe all that stuff.

    Personally I hate religion. It causes more division and hatred that anything in the world and we only have to look at our recent history in Northern Ireland to see the bombing and shootings caused by religion division. Now we have the Muslim issue. Bombing all around the world, Mindanao a virtual battlefield.

    If religion is so wonderful and your "God" so powerful and loving, why does all this happen?

    Whilst I accept that my lovely wife has religious beliefs, it's obviously just a result of her upbringing and she hasn't been to church since being in the UK. It's mainly poor cultures that have strong beliefs because they believe they can pray for a better life whilst we realists make our own destiny.

    Sorry to be controversial but there's no issue on two people being together if you just forget about re;igion and concentrate on the personalities

  11. #11
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Religion should never be an issue to any relationship Gracia. If his religion differs from yours I reckon he does believes in God, yes? If he respects whatever you believe in, and you do respect whatever he believes in then there is nothing to fret. As for the children--"train up a child in the way he/she should go and when he/she is old, he/she will never depart from it". And the world will have a better citizenry. Good luck!
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    At our wedding we both recieved a book from some concerened aunt one for the wife and one for me instructing us about marriage.

    I thought i would read mine and couldn't belive some of the material contained with in it it was more like mein kampf than a holy book.

    The views in the book on other religions among otherthings scared the living daylights out of me.

  13. #13
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    we only have to look at our recent history in Northern Ireland to see the bombing and shootings caused by religion division.

    hmmmm no ... try Politics and Money! lol! The prod and taig thing is just a cover for political posturing, because most of the paramilitaries are .... oops .... were just the militant wings of political parties, in that IRA is just the militant wing of Sinn Fein, and UDA/UFF being the militant wing of the DUP! Blood on their hands, but for political reasons, not religious! Thank God it's over (for now) hehehehehe . . .

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If he's a Jehovah, and you are in a car crash...he starts bleeding to death.....forget the praying lark & emergency services......rush home and sign up on a few dating sites for a replacement model
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    that is the shocking truth!

  16. #16
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    hi Guys! thanks for all the thoughts that you have shared here, i guess every one is right, religion would not matter as long as you both respect each other and live on the principle on what is right and not.

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