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Thread: FLR(M) Belfast Experience

  1. #1
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    FLR(M) Belfast Experience

    Booking Online Appointment:
    You're not alone - millions have trouble booking a slot with the seven Public Enquiry Offices. To grab an appointment, DO THE BOOKING FROM 11:45PM UNTIL 12:30AM. Late Sunday evening to Monday midnight is the best timing.

    Filing the FLR(M) Application Form:
    Forms shall be completed on case-by-case basis. Appended are some important issues which I thought you would find interesting.

    Check the Latest UKBA FLR(M) Form Prior to Printing/Filing. My husband save the form on his desktop August this year (as per 09 July amendments) and printed the same form on November. While feeding information, I made a mistake at page 3 and reprinting that page is the best thing to do. Because my husband is away for business I did the printing from UKBA website. I then spotted a discrepancy on the footer of the page. The date is 07/2012 against 09/2012 (as per 06 September amendments). Im very thankful for the mistake i committed or else my application will be denied. Unfortunately, we wasted 41 papers and ink.

    I applied my Fiance/Marriage Visa on 10 June 2012. It has been approved on 12 June 2012 with effect on the same day. I am NOT Required to Complete Section 7A-Financial Requirement since my leave to enter has been applied/granted before 09 July 2012.

    Supporting Documents:

    Ensure to Provide ORIGINAL Records as Evidence. Photocopy/Printouts from Online are NOT Acceptable unless otherwise stamped, signed and dated by the responsible company/personnel.

    Give time to prepare a table of contents. Organizing your records is useful to both you and PEO staff. Here is what i have done with my records.

    1.0 FLR(M) Application Form
    2.0 Applicant’s Information
    2.1 Passports (Current and Expired)
    2.2 Birth Certificate
    2.3 Single Status Certificate
    3.0 Sponsor’s Information
    3.1 Passport (Current)
    3.2 Birth Certificate
    4.0 Proof of Residence
    4.1 Letters Address to the Applicant (Vodafone, Nationwide, NHS)
    4.2 Letters Address to the Applicant and Sponsor (Council Tax, EDF)
    5.0 Immigration History
    5.1 UK Entry and Exit Records
    6.0 Relationship with the Sponsor
    6.1 Marriage Certificate
    6.2 Report of Marriage to the Philippine Embassy
    6.3 Email History and Photographs with Family Members
    7.0 Financial Maintenance and Accommodation
    7.1 Sponsor’s P60
    7.2 Sponsor’s Letter of Employment
    7.3 Sponsor’s Employment Contract
    7.4 Sponsor’s Latest 6 Months Pay Slip
    7.5 Sponsor’s Latest 6 Months Bank Statement
    7.6 Sponsor’s Cash Savings from Property Sale
    7.7 Applicant’s Letter of Employment (From Previous Employer)
    7.8 Applicant’s Prospects of Employment (CV and Job Referrals)
    7.9 Tenancy Contract
    8.0 English Language Requirement
    8.1 Applicant’s IELTS Certificate

    On The Day of The Appointment:
    My appointment has been booked on 13 November at 12PM. My husband Trefor and I reached the place at 11:20AM. The guard checked my appointment record, then asked us to handover all electronic devices, he checked our bags, gave number for our belongings and finally escorted us to the waiting area.

    At 12:14PM, the Cashier took my application form, check the type of application, write a reference number and current time (12:15PM), return the form and issue a number.

    At 12:25PM, my number has been called by the PEO staff for interview. No interview occurred. She just asked me to drop my application form and the supporting documents listed above on her desk. She then asked me to seat back on the waiting area which is just opposite her desk. She reviewed everything with no question raised instead a good compliment.

    At 12:40PM, the same PEO Staff returned the documents except those highlighted in green above. She advised me to pay on the Cashier and then wait on Room 7 for my Biometrics.

    At 12:50PM, i entered Room 7 and met a new PEO Staff. He gave me a form and I have signed it since i have a previous biometrics in Dubai. He then took my finger prints and photo.

    At 1:45PM, I got the confirmation - MY FLR(M) APPLICATION IS APPROVED. Prior to leaving the office the PEO Staff gave me a 2 pages document about my rights in the UK along with the confirmation letter.

    Choosing a good location is sometimes tricky. My Belfast experience was a good deal. Staff are hospitable, professional and polite. Besides, the PEO is in suitable area in the city and least crowded inside the building. So forget about the cost of flying, Easy Jet is the solution.

    I received my Biometric Residence Permit on 15 November 2012, 2 days after my appointment!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Well done

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    A detailed post

  4. #4
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Very good.

  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Very good post! I'll make this a sticky to easily help others.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  6. #6
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    No amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Well done - and its enlightened me now.

  8. #8
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the warm messages. Sorry for the late response. I'm still trying to figure-out how to follow the thread I started . Cheers

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    You are very lucky. Congratulation...!

  10. #10
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Thanks Tinker...Good Morning!

  11. #11
    Respected Member
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    Hi, what method of payment is allowed for the Premium Service? Thank you

  12. #12
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jehzroblenida View Post
    Hi, what method of payment is allowed for the Premium Service? Thank you
    You should check on the FLR(M) form pages 2 & 3, but I think it is credit/debit card or cheque only (not cash).
    Don't just try, DO IT!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Baruk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    Booking Online Appointment:
    You're not alone - millions have trouble booking a slot with the seven Public Enquiry Offices. To grab an appointment, DO THE BOOKING FROM 11:45PM UNTIL 12:30AM. Late Sunday evening to Monday midnight is the best timing.

    Filing the FLR(M) Application Form:
    Forms shall be completed on case-by-case basis. Appended are some important issues which I thought you would find interesting.

    Check the Latest UKBA FLR(M) Form Prior to Printing/Filing. My husband save the form on his desktop August this year (as per 09 July amendments) and printed the same form on November. While feeding information, I made a mistake at page 3 and reprinting that page is the best thing to do. Because my husband is away for business I did the printing from UKBA website. I then spotted a discrepancy on the footer of the page. The date is 07/2012 against 09/2012 (as per 06 September amendments). Im very thankful for the mistake i committed or else my application will be denied. Unfortunately, we wasted 41 papers and ink.

    I applied my Fiance/Marriage Visa on 10 June 2012. It has been approved on 12 June 2012 with effect on the same day. I am NOT Required to Complete Section 7A-Financial Requirement since my leave to enter has been applied/granted before 09 July 2012.

    Supporting Documents:

    Ensure to Provide ORIGINAL Records as Evidence. Photocopy/Printouts from Online are NOT Acceptable unless otherwise stamped, signed and dated by the responsible company/personnel.

    Give time to prepare a table of contents. Organizing your records is useful to both you and PEO staff. Here is what i have done with my records.

    1.0 FLR(M) Application Form
    2.0 Applicant’s Information
    2.1 Passports (Current and Expired)
    2.2 Birth Certificate
    2.3 Single Status Certificate
    3.0 Sponsor’s Information
    3.1 Passport (Current)
    3.2 Birth Certificate
    4.0 Proof of Residence
    4.1 Letters Address to the Applicant (Vodafone, Nationwide, NHS)
    4.2 Letters Address to the Applicant and Sponsor (Council Tax, EDF)
    5.0 Immigration History
    5.1 UK Entry and Exit Records
    6.0 Relationship with the Sponsor
    6.1 Marriage Certificate
    6.2 Report of Marriage to the Philippine Embassy
    6.3 Email History and Photographs with Family Members
    7.0 Financial Maintenance and Accommodation
    7.1 Sponsor’s P60
    7.2 Sponsor’s Letter of Employment
    7.3 Sponsor’s Employment Contract
    7.4 Sponsor’s Latest 6 Months Pay Slip
    7.5 Sponsor’s Latest 6 Months Bank Statement
    7.6 Sponsor’s Cash Savings from Property Sale
    7.7 Applicant’s Letter of Employment (From Previous Employer)
    7.8 Applicant’s Prospects of Employment (CV and Job Referrals)
    7.9 Tenancy Contract
    8.0 English Language Requirement
    8.1 Applicant’s IELTS Certificate

    On The Day of The Appointment:
    My appointment has been booked on 13 November at 12PM. My husband Trefor and I reached the place at 11:20AM. The guard checked my appointment record, then asked us to handover all electronic devices, he checked our bags, gave number for our belongings and finally escorted us to the waiting area.

    At 12:14PM, the Cashier took my application form, check the type of application, write a reference number and current time (12:15PM), return the form and issue a number.

    At 12:25PM, my number has been called by the PEO staff for interview. No interview occurred. She just asked me to drop my application form and the supporting documents listed above on her desk. She then asked me to seat back on the waiting area which is just opposite her desk. She reviewed everything with no question raised instead a good compliment.

    At 12:40PM, the same PEO Staff returned the documents except those highlighted in green above. She advised me to pay on the Cashier and then wait on Room 7 for my Biometrics.

    At 12:50PM, i entered Room 7 and met a new PEO Staff. He gave me a form and I have signed it since i have a previous biometrics in Dubai. He then took my finger prints and photo.

    At 1:45PM, I got the confirmation - MY FLR(M) APPLICATION IS APPROVED. Prior to leaving the office the PEO Staff gave me a 2 pages document about my rights in the UK along with the confirmation letter.

    Choosing a good location is sometimes tricky. My Belfast experience was a good deal. Staff are hospitable, professional and polite. Besides, the PEO is in suitable area in the city and least crowded inside the building. So forget about the cost of flying, Easy Jet is the solution.

    I received my Biometric Residence Permit on 15 November 2012, 2 days after my appointment!
    Hello there, just a quick question. You have mentioned in the lists 6.2 Report of Marriage to the Philippine Embassy. How to obtain that paper? I just got married a week ago. Does that mean I will go to London to get it? Your advice will be a great help. Thanks

  14. #14
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baruk View Post
    Hello there, just a quick question. You have mentioned in the lists 6.2 Report of Marriage to the Philippine Embassy. How to obtain that paper? I just got married a week ago. Does that mean I will go to London to get it? Your advice will be a great help. Thanks
    Please go to this thread... Philippine Embassy: Report of Marriage
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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