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Thread: Spouse Visa application help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Spouse Visa application help


    I'm from the UK and recently married my filipino girlfriend in the Philippines.

    We are now waiting for the marriage licence so we can complete the spouse visa for her to come to the UK.

    I have a few things I'd like to check.

    1. We are completing the application using the new online form ( Once we submit the form, do we need to make an appointment for her to visit the embassy to issue the supporting documents? If so, how?

    2. Appendix B (financial requirements) isn't past of the online form so I am going to fill that out here in UK and post it to her. Does she then just take this appendix form with her to her appointment at the embassy?

    3. Financial Supporting Documents - if I choose to use cash savings to meet the financial requirement, do I still need to submit payslips and bank statements? Or just a statement showing the balances of my savings accounts?

    4. Other supporting documents - please advise what else we should be looking to submit as supporting documents. So far, I intend to do the following but please let me know if any of this is not really required, and also what other things I might need to add:

    - cover letter written by me summarising the history of our relationship
    - collection of photographs covering the history of our relationship. How many are needed?
    - utility bills and bank statements showing we lived together at the same address in England previously
    - my original birth certificate
    - a photocopy of the photo page of my passport
    - our marriage licence
    - our affirmation and cenoma showing we were legally allowed to be married in the Philippines

    Thanks a lot for any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    That's a big ask.

    As a first step I'd suggest you review the UKVI webpage called -
    Apply to join family living permanently in the UK

    Follow all the links applicable to your case.

    To quickly cover your concerns:-

    1. There is no interview at the Embassy. Take a look at the VFS webpage called How to book an appointment
    It's very rare to be called to the Embassy for an interview.

    2. Yes. A signed print-out of the online submitted form together with Appendix 2 (Financial Requirements ) and all supporting docs must be presented to VFS at the application centre during the appointment.

    3. If you choose to use cash savings alone to meet the financial requirement then you only need to present those documents needed to prove that the funds have been in your ownership and your control (or of the applicant or jointly) for at least the period of 6 months prior to the date of application.
    You'll need to show a minimum of £62000

    4. The application cannot be submitted without an approved English Language pass certificate and an all clear TB screening certificate.
    This is all covered in the provided link above under point 1

    If you haven't already searched here in the forum look here for additional useful information

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks for reply - and for mentioning TB requirement as hadn't seen that anywhere on the supporting documents PDF or the online form and would have missed it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Also she studied a degree in England so I hope we're ok on the English Language requirement.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Where did you get the £62k figure from for savings?

    7.1. Category D: Cash savings – requirements
    7.1.1. An amount based on the cash savings above £16,000 held by the applicant, their partner, or both jointly for at least the 6 months prior to the date of application and under their control can count towards the financial requirement where applicable. (£16,000 is the level of savings at which a person generally ceases to be eligible for income-related benefits).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Sorry read the rest of it now and makes sense

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by help123 View Post
    Also she studied a degree in England so I hope we're ok on the English Language requirement.
    Best double check on the needed confirmations.......UKBI are not be relied upon for common sense

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