Keep your seatbelts on kids. I see so many people unclip once the light goes off, or not re-clip once they sit back down from a toilet/locker visit. The guy next to me on the way back from Barcelona last week unclipped as soon as the light went out. He wasn't going anywhere. Worried me to be honest, if the worst happens and he goes up, breaks his neck on the ceiling and then hits me on the way back down...
I've been in 'big' turbulence in a 747 over the Rockies (US) before. Nice rodeo ride, but some people were sh1tting themselves when the crew became airborne on the way to their seats (they were holding seats and their bodies 'floated' up in the air).
If you don't like turbulence then don't sit at the back of the plane, it pivots around its axis, the wing/engines.