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Thread: just want to ask

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    just want to ask

    hello everyone,i am a new member in here i am asking any informative advice about my probs,last 2000 i meet my bf as penpals and he is still working in aussie that time but we keep pur relation strong even in a way of sending letters i mean in a snail mails and sometimes he will call until the last year he was retired and go back to his homeplace of UK,and staying in his mom's house but actually he is the only son in the family my question goes like this we have already in a relation for more than 4 years he even visit me twice already can remember the exact date because the first and the last of his visit my annulment is not granted yet so i just focus my hearings during that time but it was already granted last july 30,2007 and my bf have a plan for getting married or else he will file a fiance visa for me,can anyone give me and idea what is the eassiest way for me to go to UK?FIANCE VISA OR SPOUSAL VISA i am waiting for all your good advice so i can be guided what to file..but i have a probs for my proof of genuine relation i have only a bandles of snail mails and western union receipt of his support to me,i dont have any chat logs,video chat,or i even not keep our receipt upon staying in the hotel in both of his two visits with me,and also about the bourding pass i dont you think my bandles of snail mails and western union receipt and a little pics enup as to proof of meeting in person?i am a little bit confuse about this pls give me idea before i can start the process...and i hope u can also give me clear details about the important papers needed me to submit in both fiance and spousal...waiting for your help...god bless you all gurls...


  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Use paragraphs, makes it easier to read, otherwise we just give up half-way through.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Member Missyalice's Avatar
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    Welcome to this very informative and helpful forum Cherry! Spousal Visa is best. But try using the search button in here and you’ll find lots of information that will surely guide and help you. Good Luck on ur application!

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    thanks missyalice

    hi again,
    if spousal visa is best can u my dear friend give me the exact list of requirements needed to sent to UK embassy...i am very much happy if u cud give me all of those...thanks in advance and god bless u all...


  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi cherry,

    I think it would be better for u to visit the VFS website for more details and list of requirements,

    and like Missy Alice have said, u have to spend at least the whole day just to search and read posts here regarding spousal visa..there's a lot of posts here about it..

    Goodluck on ur application

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Your post is an absolute dogs dinner, I dont waste my time trawling through peoples request for advice when they single paragraph the whole story - post it again broken down into readable paragraphs and just maybe I wil devote some time to study it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post

    Your post is an absolute dogs dinner, I dont waste my time trawling through peoples request for advice when they single paragraph the whole story - post it again broken down into readable paragraphs and just maybe I wil devote some time to study it.
    Brother Pete is right. It would be nice to write your story properly. Because if you can not spend time to arrange your paragraph, how much more the other person will sit and devote some time to study your problem and give you some advice.?

  8. #8
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    [QUOTE=cherryred_04;422030} do you think my bandles of snail mails and western union receipt and a little pics enup as to proof of meeting in person? i am a little bit confuse about this pls give me idea.[/quote]


    If you use the search engine about visa application, you will find that most of us submit some pictures, Western Union receipts and letters from the sponsor as a proof of relationship. So I dont think that is a big problem.
    About clear details, one member already give the links to the UK visa application website, just read it and patiently you will find all the details you need to know.


  9. #9
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    just research,research and research just like others did here and me because i`ve been there in your situation like asking questions and people here are quite tired of answering same questions.juts press the search button and type fiancee or spousal visa they`re quite same in requirements and dont worry about chat logs ang high technology my bf now my hubby not reall into technology like internet and stuff but we`ve submitted our bundles and bundles of letter the difference between you and me was i kept all the receipts and we took load of photos when he visited me here because from that time I discovered this site whereas you now just take my advice its never too late just keep browsing goodluck to you and to your man!
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Kaptid Bridget, Kapitid Mrs Daddy, thank you for understanding, about answering same questions again and again, all I want to do is tend my Caribao ! but some git nicked it in the I will have to plow the field myself....

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post I will have to plow the field myself....
    Didn't you marry someone for that?
    Keith - Administrator

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