Sorry Marco you're right, it's only 45%![]()
From a Tory rag:'Record number' in low-paid jobs
Better to have a job than be unemployed
Does this take into account youngsters?
When I first started work my wage was very low compared to older people?
Of course it's better to have a job, but you would expect to be paid enough so you could survive wouldn't you ??
The National Minimum Wage rate per hour depends on your age and whether you’re an apprentice - you must be at least school leaving age to get it.
21 and over - £6.50
18 to 20 - £5.13
Under 18 - £3.79
Apprentice* 2014 (current rate) £2.73
Apprentice pay is £2.73 an hour![]()
We will take your word for it Simon.![]()
Party politics aside ... how about getting back to the MAIN topic of this thread, i.e., the £2.1 bn surcharge's now being asked to stump up (over and above the £8.6 billion disbursed annually in EU membership fees) all because it has fared better than other Member States since 1995. And as with ANY joint enterprise ...
... it's hardly what could be called an incentive for the UK maintaining its position as the 'BIG player' ... while rebates are handed out willy nilly to those team members who consistently fail to match up by virtue of *their much poorer performance ratings.
Rewarded for slackness in *their case ... it's just!
Hopefully,Cameron will stick to his guns
... by telling the EU Commissioners to take a run and
Joe Apprentice pay is £2.73 an hour
In 1956 it was 1 shilling an hour. £2.8.0 for 48 hours and that was gross pay. Less than £2 after deductions. I gave my mum £1. I reckon the £2.73 would go further today than my one shilling did.
I was on the £26 a week YTS Scheme in '88 under Evil Edna's reign of terror. I didn't finish it because I got a job that paid £150 per week a year or so later.![]()
I was on a YTS scheme in '84, and loved it. A week after I left my first placement they called me up and offered me a job. It seems everyone in the office missed my constant humour, so they were all miserable.![]()
I know a lot of people who got work from YTS, and it worked as planned. They should bring it back, as it is education and experience. Instead of giving people dole to sit at home.
Keith - Administrator
Join the Army! The lads at the training camp near me are on £1200 take home at 16. Great career too.
The £30k Simon was referring to is the difference between the VAT he paid out on goods and services and the VAT he charged his customers. ie Buy product for £1000 plus £200 VAT sell it for say 20% profit at £1200 plus £240 VAT - govt gets the 40 quid
VAT is a consumption tax that is placed on a product whenever value is added at a stage of production and at final sale
So if he hadn't been trading the Govt wouldn't have got the £30k for the quarter
In my day, approximately the same amount (£26 p/w) was given to those on the dole with a measly tenner being contributed by the employer with the taxpayer coughing up the rest. No prizes for guessing who got the best deal.
There were many unscrupulous employers too who used these youngsters as a way of gaining cheap labour with no intentions of offering them anything more once the scheme had ended.
YTS was slave labour masked over with a pretentious name.
There are a lot soldiers coming out of our already depleted Army. One of the main reasons is the changes to the pension scheme that this government has imposed. Back on the topic, Cameron will have to pay up. Apparently the Treasury knew about this 7 months ago but failed to tell Cameron.![]()
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