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Thread: Mrs undecisive pls help!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Mrs undecisive pls help!

    oh dear deari applied for a job in our local nhs hospital here a month ago and I didnt expect a reply from them but yesterday got a letter from them asking for me to book an interview for them.the problem now is I got my job from a carehome but not that accesible to where we live and plus this hospital job offer twice as much money than this care home i am in.and secondly the problem with hospital is that you meet all sorts of bacteria and germs than in a care home.Oh dear what to do guyswhat you think shall i resign from carehome and move to hospital
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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You probably get better education in the care home as you do the NVQ's as you go, so career value improves, you also get to work with a load of lazy nit wits in a hospital
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You probably get better education in the care home as you do the NVQ's as you go, so career value improves, you also get to work with a load of lazy nit wits in a hospital
    what about salary wise my wage in home is half the wage the hospital offer mr admin?
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  4. #4
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    you can still book for an interview anyway, i think it doesn't neccesarily mean you got the job...and if you get it i think...there two things better about it more wage, and accessibility where you live...its the best thing you can get... their hospitals in here are so tidy and it doesn't smell morphine not like in the phils... its enough reason to give it a try...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    what about salary wise my wage in home is half the wage the hospital offer mr admin?
    If you worked for £2000 a month as a security guard in London, and then offered £4000 a month as a security guard in Iraq, is the wages better or worse?
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    is the hospital in here is as worse as iraq?
    Filipina a born survivor!

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    You need to just both side by side

    How much are the wages per hour at each?

    Do they expect more of you in terms of work, skill and pressure?

    What hours do you have to work in total? As you say in travel as well as when there?

    How much does it cost to comute there?

    How much does it cost to feed yourself at each work place?

    What training do you get at each place?

    Is there a grading or promtion structure?

    Holidays how many do you get? How easy to take holidays?

    Sickness what are the condtions at each one?

    Pension is there one many NHS put you into there scheme.

    If you were still in the smae place in one,two,five years would you be ok about it?

    Childcare what is it like?

    maternity and paternity whats the deal at both?

    How does the Hospital rank in various public surveys?

    What are they like regarding your actual job and department, google, local paper and locals your Huby and yourself know should help fill you in.

    Good luck with the Interview my Wife has the same sort of problem at the moment and this is what shes doing to help her to decide.

    Also don't worry about letting your employer down unless exceptional circumstances as most would get rid of you if the law allowed if they had to for one reason or another so ignore their gulit trips.

  8. #8
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    Working in the hospital might give you twice the compensation you get from working in a carehome but just try to give more weight on the factors why you should choose hospital and not stay in carehome:

    1. Health - I think this should be the top priority
    What is your assessment of the environment of the two - the carehome and the hospital?

    What is the probability that you could get less infections in hospital than in care home?

    Still, prevention is better than cure. Your doubled salary might just go to your health maintenance because of wide exposure in foreign particles that may attack your immune system. Unless, you have the same situation in care home, that is, having just enough salary and stressful work that will weaken you which I think gives you double punches.

    Sometimes, the reason why the salaries are doubled bacause the Company just compensates on the workloads and risk that await you...unless the Company is really very generous and has huge assets, etc.

    2. Knowledge
    For me, this is also important for your own growth. As we grow older, getting a job is already based on our mastery of work, experiences and as expert of our own chosen field.

    3. Distance
    How much do u spend in your transportation in your carehome job?
    In case hired, how much will u spend in your transportation in hospital job?
    Don't you think one will just offset one?

    But, if i were you, I can still try to go to the interview and see what happens. It's just an interview and it doesn't mean you are already employed. By this, you my know by asking what are the good points and perks that await you if you are employed by them. Also, this will exercise your communication and interview skills.

    But I will see as well the advantages of staying in a carehome, too. Attending to the interview might waste your time but for me, it's just an add on to my experience in undergoing an interview to sharpen my skills, hehe... Sorry for I have been doing this and it aids me to be at my best when I really go and eye for the job I really want. Based on my experience, it helps me.

    I don't know if an analogy like this is relevant:
    I chose to occupy an expensive apartment near my office than living in a house distant to my work which obviously has lower rent because I just thought of the time and money I can save in commuting which you can just add on the rent when you rent from a far... It's just a matter of convenience and time-saving as the factor I consider.

  9. #9
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    It cannot do any harm to go to the interview. Raise your concerns with them.


  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    It cannot do any harm to go to the interview. Raise your concerns with them.

    Civil servant managers are very good at spin, they'll feed you all the crap you want to hear, so I wouldn't bother asking them anything!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Based on my experiences undergoing Corporate interviews, the parting line from the interviewer would be "Do you have any questions?"

    So that's the time I will raise my question like "What are the benefits that await me aside from the basic benefits such as holidays, etc."

    Then after that, I knew already. I don't actually raise to the interviewer what I actually want in the first interview. I just more of listen and answer the questions than ask questions much... unless asked to ...

  12. #12
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Also you need to ask yourself is the carehome owned by a big company (with a good reputation) or is it likely to get taken over?

    Most people i know who work in the NHS for Job security and Pension (which you can transfer to phill i would think if a state pension) with a major recession heading our way i would say the NHS is the safer bet.

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Which has the best pension?
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
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    You can only transfer the pension if the Company you will work with in the Phils has a Defined Contribution Benefit Scheme and that they accept Transfer Value Ins...

    As to which has the best pension - that depends of your contributions and your retirement scheme joined.

  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post
    You can only transfer the pension if the Company you will work with in the Phils has a Defined Contribution Benefit Scheme and that they accept Transfer Value Ins...

    As to which has the best pension - that depends of your contributions and your retirement scheme joined.
    As far as i know the british state pension you can claim in phill along with some other countries.

    Many jobs dont really offer a decent pension in the uk and thats why i know quite a few people who will work in a particular job even if its not the greatest because it has a final salary or at least a decent pension. For example the meteronet workers who striked the other month therefore closing the london tube down for a few days were worried about losing their very good pension scheme from the guys who i know work for them as they knew their jobs were fairly safe as there are only so many trained guys avaiable and they have to be offered their old jobs first.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    ohhh thanks a lot guys for the very informative and helpful advices and I guess its up to me now.I think after reading all these I know now what to do and i weigh it out and I think no matter how big the other company offer but am at risk I think I would stick to the low payed job one but my health is not in danger but still am gonna try the interview and take it from there.and also one that concerns me is that if ever i`ll be having that job then its another environment adjustment for me so it will be a little bit thats it!Thanks to you all
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  17. #17
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    ohhh thanks a lot guys for the very informative and helpful advices and I guess its up to me now.I think after reading all these I know now what to do and i weigh it out and I think no matter how big the other company offer but am at risk I think I would stick to the low payed job one but my health is not in danger but still am gonna try the interview and take it from there.and also one that concerns me is that if ever i`ll be having that job then its another environment adjustment for me so it will be a little bit thats it!Thanks to you all
    Exactly what you gonna lose from having an interview as long as you keep it discreet and don't talk about it in public (well at least not at your present work)
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  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    go for the job interview, what have you got to lose? but they usually interview at least 7 people for the job, my wife works for the nhs, you might get a pay rise each year , pension and other benefits

    wish i got a pay rise

  19. #19
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    you're loaded already

  20. #20
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    yea,I `ll do thatthanks a lot!
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  21. #21
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    Goodluck Mrs. Daddy.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

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