First of all let me say thank you for the replies thus far, it is very much appreciated. Cheers. I've been browsing through the various visa sites and information pages and it seems like they are saying everything without actually saying anything. I would love to see some clear and concise details of requirements for entry into the UK, but that would be easy wouldn't it. Anyway, a couple of points. I would like to know the difficulty of obtaining a work permit(from the bits and pieces i have seen on here it seems far more difficult now with the inclusion of Poland into the EU), however she would not be looking for low skilled work. She went to college and holds qualifications, is an intelligent girl and would be looking for something akin to that intelligence. I'm guessing that this would increase her chances. She used to work in the office, for the past few years she has been in entertainment, singing to be exact. If say she was able to line up a job offer in this profession or any other, would it be as simple as gaining the clearance for her to come over or would the great rounds of bureaucracy come into play, i think i already know the answer.
Anyway, second point. I was wondering if anybody had an idea how difficult it would be to obtain a Spanish passport. She has Spanish blood, Spanish anncestry on both sides. It seems if it goes back further than the Grandparents then it is null and void, however i read the other day about a footballer who obtained an Italian passport through marrying somebody who had an Italian relative from 1834. Probably a long shot but the problems would be taken if she could hold an EU passport. Any ideas, any help, truly it would be appreciated. Excuse me for the long winded nature of this post. Cheers.