
Firstly let me say, the reason you are getting replies that tell you everything and yet say nothing is simply because you are falling foul of the professional visa applicants.

Professional visa applicants went through entry clearance once, and because of that, they all of a sudden have become professional experts.

The fact of the matter is, some visa issues are so complex that they require the services of an Immigration law firm, there are many specializing in work entry permits, for a start you may need to contact one which specialiazes in UK I can forward you to one that I know, who are experts in helping foreigners come to UK for purpose of working.

Here it is.


Also, the reason why some of our contributors are relucant to answer your questions, is because your style of writing is non paragraphed, some of the moderators here, including myself often refuse to get involved in a post, that has no clear and concise timeline story, including the subject matter in easy readable paragraphs.

And thirdly, your request for information does not ask an specific questions, only to say
I am looking for suggestions as to the best way forward for her being able to get over to the UK as soon as possible.
I can tell you now without hesitation, that the best way and quickest way to get your Girl over to the UK is to simply allow her to apply for a limited time tourist visa.

Its cheapest way, and provided your girl meets the rules, there is no reason why she should not be granted a tourist visa, provided that she can satisfy entry clearance officers that she qualifies under the rules.

However you did ask what is the quickest way ? and this advice is good advice, whether her application will be successful under that category is another matter.

My advice is to not bother with that route, since you are in a relationship with this woman, why dont you have her apply for a fiancee visa, akin a try-fly at least then you would be togther under the right umbrella, this is more expensive, but there is more of alikelyhood that your girl would be granted such a visa.

Your final question about Spanish passports ? I dont wish to point out the obvious, but how would any of us know about your girl obtaining a spanish passport, this is the FilipinoUK forum, not the SpanishFilipino Forum.

I can see why you are asking that, so that your girl can slip into Britain by being an EEC Passport holder, and finally ?

You have been asking for advice about the UK and as yet...you have not told us what nationality your girl is ?

Since she lives and works in Thailand, can we assume she is Thai ?

Or is she Filipino ? if she is Thai, then how can we help at this forum.

I think you need to look carefully at what you have written and then if we can help, come back with a more carefully written post, we are not mind readers mate, as much as we would love to be.