Hello, everyone! I am new here. I heard that this forum is really informative and the members are really friendly and very good in giving advices.
I have been seeing my brit BF online for three months now. -And next month, he'll come to see me in my hometown. We have been talking about it since October an I was surprised that yesterday, he called me and told me that he has already booked his flight. We'll be spending two weeks together. I am excited and happy to see him in person... However, I just feel nervous and afraid that something wrong will happen... I'm sure the Filipina members here can relate to what I am saying. Traditionally, Filipinas preserve their virginity until they get married and I am proud to say that I am one of those. I am just afraid that in two weeks, "something" will happen...
What will I do and what should I tell my boyfriend prior to meeting him? Is it "normal" for BF and GF in LDR to actually do "it" when they see each other for the first time? Sorry to sound so thick about it... I just don't know how am I going to deal with it...
Thanks in advance