Well, I'm going to go against popular opinion here and say this doesn't sound all bad. Fact is, I've both heard of and met too many men who have got wives from Thailand, the Philippines and even Eastern Europe because they're frankly foul tempered, foul minded pieces of

, who British women, and even more so Aussie women wouldn't give time of day to (or would put them in hospital in the case of Aussies and Yorkshire women).
If you're a decent enough guy, it shouldn't be that hard to get some sort of reference.
Having said that, I'd have a thousand percent more respect for this idea - the idea of protecting the women, and preventing the quote
"untold miseries and suffering to our Filipino women" and "dishonor and disgrace to Filipino womanhood" if that same government banned their women from travelling to certain toilet states to work in horrendous conditions, way worse than being married to a miserable git.
Until they do that, I'm calling BS on this one