Well you and the other Emergency Services do a great job! Pity some on here think less of you. , Oh they'll change their tune when they need the Emergency Services
That's the second time you've mentioned other members thinking less of Essential Service employees or taking them for granted.
I'd love for you to come out and say who you're actually insinuating thinks this way
Are you totally mad You're saying a firefighter should get @ £40K whereas a MP should get paid £26.5K
I'd love to know what you do for a living
Originally Posted by SimonH
You must have started early Jamie to come out with that one
Originally Posted by SimonH
So let me get this straight, what you're both saying is that firefighters should get £40K a year. An MP's job is not putting out fires and saving peoples lives and therefore they should get paid £26.5K a year and this will prevent them going out and getting second jobs
It must be great living on planet Jamie & Joe
Originally Posted by SimonH
That's the second time you've mentioned other members thinking less of essential service employees or taking them for granted. I'd love for you to come out and say who you're actually insinuating thinks this way
Originally Posted by SimonH
Someone once said to me many years ago, "Don't ever argue with an idiot, they'll just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience"
“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”