Bridget makes some good points, hahahaha, about the seductive clothing, so young lady honey c, just be careful about wearing the sexy underwear, boys cannot resist that.
Avoid wearing a Thong, and if their is 2 beds, make it clear that one bed is his, one bed is yours, but really hahahahahaha I cannot stop laughing about all of the comments on this thread, because who are we all trying to fool here.
If you are a virgin, wow, I am honoured to meet you Maam on this forum, may I congratulate you, I never met one before anywhere ? some of the guys say, they actually married a virgin, and they were the first to make love to the newly married wife.
That is something to be proud of for the lady in question, in my view there is nothing wrong with protecting your virtue until after you marry if that is your belief and desire.
I hope your Boyfriend is a mature man, if so, the older men tend to be more considerate, take me for example, if I was dating a young virgin, personally I would be very happy to wait until such times as she is comfortable, I would be considerate and get to know her, and if its her desire to wait until such times as she is comofortable, then if the relationship is one that is leading to marriage, then that would be fine with me, actually I would be quite flattered that my future wife is a virgin.
I would personally be very impressed with that situation, so dont worry little flower, if your BF is worth it, he will wait, and also if he is mature enough for you, he will know how to handle the situation with love care and attention.
In this situation, just give him a and then, but tell him when the time is right..he will get everything that is expected.
Then in this way, he will have no expectations before he comes to the Philippines and has no preconceptions about how it will be, sometimes this makes him feel better, and he is not highly stressed about it.
Just enjoy each others company, and do some sight seeing, go to Boracay or something, that normally does the trick.