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Thread: Anyone from Preston Lancashire here have taken a English test?

  1. #1

    Anyone from Preston Lancashire here have taken a English test?

    Thank you! Any help will be great, I'm preparing to apply for Naturalization but don't know where to start, I have a Life in the UK test. Just wondering if any Filipino/Filipina here living in Preston that have recently done the English Test that might be able to help me where is the nearest place to go. Thank you so much in Advance x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    Hello and welcome aboard Filipino UK

    Sorry to see you've had no replies to your questions.

    I'm pretty sure you know this, but in addition to that Life in UK pass certificate you'll also need to submit a pass certificate for English Language.
    This will need to be an approved test and provider currently listed on the UKVI approved listing and will need to be at level B1

    What test certificate do you have and at what level?
    Even it's validity may have expired it's still accepted for naturalisation as long as it's B1

    If you need to take another test please review the UKVI approved list and find those test centres closest to you.

  3. #3
    Hi Terpe thank you for the reply. I have not done any English test yet, and to be honest I don't know where to start :-( If I found a nearest test centre can I just call and book an appoint ment for it? or do I have to go and do the course first or something?. Also I'm planning to go back in Manila next year, was just wondering if I can take the test there instead here in UK do you think it will be possible? Thank you so much x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    Hi Annabelle,
    Please do take time to review the UKVI
    Secure English Language Tests here.

    You'll see this note at the bottom of the page:-

    Settlement: If you intend to apply under the settlement route you must provide evidence that you have passed the speaking and listening components of a test at level B1 or above. You do not need to demonstrate reading and writing skills. Where a test examines all four components (speaking, listening, reading and writing) you do not need to pass the reading and writing components, you only need to evidence passing the speaking and listening components.
    I've done some research for you and discovered there's an approved test centre in Preston here:-

    University Of Central Lancashire
    Department of Languages
    Fylde Building
    Lancashire PR1 2HE

    Contact: EFL Co-ordinator
    Phone: +44 1772 893120

    Alternatively try here:-

    Blackburn College
    Feilden Street
    BB2 1LH

    Contact: Antoinette Jackson
    Phone: +44 1254 292500

    Let us know how you get on

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Any local from Preston would probably fail!!

  6. #6
    Oh Thank you so so much Terpe very big help I will write it down and give them a call and I understand what you mean about the test

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