Hello everyone!

Good Day!

I'm Sue and I'm currently working in the bank. I need some advice especially to SIR TERPE, anyway does anyone here applied a visa under exceptional scoop. We are going to apply next year for spouse visa with my British Husband for 4 years.

My husband is receiving DLA and Working TAx Credit as Self Employed. He is writer and publisher. He receive WTC as dis ability person because of lower income. He receive DLA with higher mobility rate because year ago his left leg being amputated and he need me to be there and I'm willing to sacrifice my work here to be with him.

My question Sir Terpe are

1. As My husband is being exempt from financial requirement as he receive DLA. Does Working Tax Credit counted in Adequate Maintenance?

2. Can I add this working Tax credit for benefits that he receive so that we can achieve the adequate maintenance as being exempted for financial requirement or Not or Only DLA will count?

Thank you Sir Terpe