I just want to explain my odd postings of the last few days!
A few days ago (thursay), marivic and i had an argument. It was quite nasty and then it was followed by a long silence and tampo session on the part of mar. Now, for the 9 months that we had spent together, i never experienced this end of tampo, and it was so weird ... so ...
Being the annoyingly obsessive guy I am, i plagued the girl with call after call after call, just trying to get thru and she didn't answer, and simply switched her phone off! Over the course of 2 days, i believe i called her a minimum of 150 times plus MANY text messages.
Then, when she finally did answer, she hung up on me! Well, i was outraged ... then the outrage gave way to depression, which led to resentment ... leading to some very severe pronouncements on here ... that i am single and talking to friends-of-friends. ...
well there is an update
i have had some PM conversations with some of my friends here whom i know and they have told me that they can simply tell that i deeply love marivic and that they know we'll be better and stronger again ... and i can't argue with them. What can i say? I still love her! My heart still belongs to her, and i just can't imagine being too cold to not be with her anymore...
so ...
after a PM from a certain PhD psychologist who is a regular on this forum (u know who u are mommi) ... i CALLED marivic ...
and ... we ironed out all our differences, we talked and talked and talked and we decided that we are made for each other. We still love each other and we have gotten back closer and really are deeper in love now than we were.
So . . .
i guess i have been a fool and this forum was my only sounding board because no-one else would really give me such a diversity of opinion, no-one would help me like you have, and no one would take the time!
There are people I have known on here since the very start, and they know how i love marivic!
The post bridget referred to when she said about the one where i proclaimed my love for marivic is found here:
this was my third ever post and .. . when i look at all those things i said about her ... i know in my heart of hearts . . . i feel all these feelings deeper and deeper now than i ever have
i am so happy she and i are back together, and Dr kimmi -- you were right in all ur PM's to me. Thank you for all of your help, directly and indirectly, you really are not wasting your training
and to everyone who has cared here, THANK YOU SO MUCH ...
that's enough talk from me now ...
i need to go! lol
thanks and thanks and thanks everyone!