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Thread: What Sports Are Played In The Philippines?

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    What Sports Are Played In The Philippines?

    Sport is a recreational activity designed to develop a person's physical attributes, mental alertness and social engagement. More than recreation, it also brought countries and its people into fame by winning competitions. People love to play different kind of sports aiming to develop their physical, mental and social aspect. These are the most popular sports most Filipinos are playing.

    Basketball the most talked about sport in the country. In any village in this country, if there is a ball and a goal (ring), men will actively play this sport. Even having only one goal or just doing one on one matches. The main reason why they love playing basketball is the popularity of the sport itself. Basketball wins the heart of every man, and even women, as both a player and a spectator.

    Boxing. Manny Pacquiao is the man who made a breakthrough to embrace this sport. Filipino’s, especially the youth, look-up to his success as their starting point to venture into this sport. Aside from being known in this field, it may elevate their financial status in the future. Most people from the Visayas and Mindanao region are involving themselves in boxing.

    Volleyball popular among Universities. Universities in the Philippines celebrate an annual sports feast. With this, each university intensively trains their players aiming to bring home the bacon. Because of its popularity, many schools like private or public are playing the sport.

    Football. The department of education in the primary sector is starting to implement this sport in their yearly sports event. Because of the honor brought by the Filipino team in the international competitions, mentors and coaches are extremely motivated to continue what was started. That is why children are trained in school.

    The marathon is another sport played a lot. The Philippines are also known in organizing fun runs, sometimes called run for a cost. This event is aimed at helping a certain organization with charity work. Many Filipino families, extended their support with this kind of event. There are also private sectors which organize marathons as a campaign for their companies.

    The success of every Filipino athlete in national and international competitions is a manifestation of how discipline and hard work has brought these people to the top. With the unending support that our countrymen extended, then everyone can say “Honor and glory never end”. | Sport In The Philippines?, What Sports Are Played In The Philippines

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    How about 'picking money off the trees that grow it in the west' ? Does that count as a sport or a pastime?

    (Sorry for that, but could not resist)

  3. #3
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    The Marathon is another sport played a lot? Rugby/golf, etc.

  4. #4
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    What about cock fighting?

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    What about cock fighting?
    Keith - Administrator

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