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Thread: What to do?

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blessed_ekim0826 What to do? 8th November 2014, 21:08
joebloggs It's exceptional for UKBA to... 8th November 2014, 21:30
blessed_ekim0826 We not going to ask for an... 8th November 2014, 22:17
joebloggs I don't know what your... 8th November 2014, 22:23
Michael Parnham I say, get married if you... 9th November 2014, 07:38
Terpe Unless marriage is no longer... 9th November 2014, 09:21
KeithD You can marry quickly in a... 9th November 2014, 09:34
blessed_ekim0826 Unfortunately he changed his... 9th November 2014, 10:30
sars_notd_virus how rude of him !! 9th November 2014, 23:10
blessed_ekim0826 I just wish that he got some... 9th November 2014, 10:38
Terpe I'm very sorry to learn that.... 9th November 2014, 11:11
SimonH Excuse me for being rude, but... 9th November 2014, 10:51
blessed_ekim0826 We both still love each... 9th November 2014, 11:14
joebloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3: Is... 9th November 2014, 15:23
blessed_ekim0826 He lives with his son now in... 10th November 2014, 00:22
KeithD My wife comes before my kids.... 9th November 2014, 14:06
Michael Parnham Wife comes before any family... 9th November 2014, 16:32
Terpe Shouldn't really be pushed to... 9th November 2014, 23:11
blessed_ekim0826 His son has some changes... 10th November 2014, 00:29
Terpe I know your partner had many... 10th November 2014, 01:13
blessed_ekim0826 I don't think the age gap... 10th November 2014, 10:29
SimonH Blessed, I'm going to be... 10th November 2014, 11:06
blessed_ekim0826 I thought of that but what... 10th November 2014, 13:22
SimonH Not sure I'm in a position to... 10th November 2014, 13:46
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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    It's exceptional for UKBA to extend a fiancé(e) visa beyond 6 months. You have to have a legitimate reason for needing extension, such as illness, family emergency etc with documents to support it.

  2. #2
    Respected Member blessed_ekim0826's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    It's exceptional for UKBA to extend a fiancé(e) visa beyond 6 months. You have to have a legitimate reason for needing extension, such as illness, family emergency etc with documents to support it.
    We not going to ask for an extension coz we dont know when the situations will allow us to get married.

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