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Thread: Immigration exploits today

  1. #1
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Immigration exploits today

    So, today I paid a visit to Bacolod City Immigration Office for an extension as my current visa runs out on the 23rd. So this time I need just a month in all because I screwed up on the dates. Anyway, gets into the office and only 3 people in there. The guy at the desk says new forms to fill in. I thought more red tape - all foreigners now have to fill in an Alien Registration Form with the exact same details that you fill in for visa extensions. I explained that I,m leaving next week, but nope - you still have to fill out the form. Not only that, you have to provide 2 2x2 passport photos as well. By this time, my blood had started to boil! I had to go and find somewhere for passport photos, came back, filled in the form and then they said you have to photocopy the form . I am thinking why the hell did they not tell me that when I WENT to get my photos. So had to find a photocopier. Now normally I pay 2,700 pesos for 2 months extension but they charged me 2340 just for one month. Work that one out!

    Finally got visa and left after ranting at them telling them that we in the UK should treat Filipinos coming to the UK in exactly the same way as we get treated to so much bullshit and red tape. So now - as they don,t do exit visas - I've got to go to the Immigration Office in Cebu before I fly out. With 5 x 2x2 pictures, photo copies of this and that etc, this is all doing my head in! Oh yes, I forgot, they also did my finger prints electronically. That,s the new policy when you fill out the Alien Registration Form. So when I go to Cebu I get my finger prints done again to leave. YOU JUST CAN,T MAKE THIS STUFF UP! It makes me want to not come back here!

    Rant over

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    You have my sympathy Tiger, they do seem to have a knack of over complicating even the simplest of things when it comes to paperwork. I dread going to the Philippine Embassy in London - where it's just the same and absolutely infuriating!

    I can understand some of it is because most people don't have bank accounts and everything is in cash, but they don't provide much help - particularly when they tell you you need numerous photocopies, pictures etc, and only tell you at the last minute.

    Whereas, here in the UK, you can enjoy doing everything on the phone with a bank card and get frustrated with the call centres, menu systems and having to wait for hours on the phone!

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Been there - done that Tiger...
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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