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Thread: Wealthy foreign tourists and business people to be given fast track British visa

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Wealthy foreign tourists and business people to be given fast track British visa

    If you're not British and you've got money you can get a visa within 24 hrs but if you're British and you want one for your partner you're paying more and have to wait months

    I wonder if you will even have to wait longer now, as these will be a priority

    Wealthy foreign tourists and businessmen and women will be offered a 24 hour fast track visa service to encourage them to come to Britain, David Cameron has announced.
    Read more here .....

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Another kick in the crotch for the average Brit from that pasty faced prick.

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    US and THEM

    One rule for them one rule for us

  4. #4
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Us and them
    A kick in the crotch for the average Brit

    It's a priority service, a fast track. The same as the average Brit paying to have their passport fast tracked. It's an option not a requirement, it's bringing an extra £600 per application into the British economy, that's a right kick in the crotch isn't it

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Us and them
    A kick in the crotch for the average Brit

    It's a priority service, a fast track. The same as the average Brit paying to have their passport fast tracked. It's an option not a requirement, it's bringing an extra £600 per application into the British economy, that's a right kick in the crotch isn't it

  6. #6
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    Why such envy and spite on this thread? In the real world some people have more money than other people, they fly by private jet (bastrds), stay in $5,000+ a night hotels (gits) and enjoy many trappings of life we don't have access to (how unfair). Get over it, welcome to the world we live in. Now mega millionaires want to visit Europe to spend their money. London is a preferred location. Why not make it easier for them to dump their money in our country? Its not as if they are going to be a drag on our welfare system is it? They won't be in front of you in the queue for that new NHS Dentist. They are coming, they will go to Paris/Zurich etc. if we don't make it easy for them.

    I don't see what the issue is. It is a bit like the premium visa appointments you can get where they come to you. Or even the PEO appointments vs by post.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trefor View Post
    I don't see what the issue is. It is a bit like the premium visa appointments you can get where they come to you. Or even the PEO appointments vs by post.
    You think they've employed more people at the Embassy? I doubt it. Those waiting for spouse visas will have to wait longer now, as these business people will be a priority, along with Visit visas, family permits and, last in the queue, will be settlement visas.

    £600? Tell me what your poor Brit pays for a Settlement visa £900! If they can process one of these visas in 24 hrs, they can process a settlement visa in 24 hrs instead of months, and Brits are pushed further to the end of the queue. That's the problem

  9. #9
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    You think they've employed more people at the Embassy? I doubt it
    But you don't know

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Those waiting for spouse visas will have to wait longer, as these business people will be a priority
    You don't know they'll have to wait longer, and those business people are paying £600 to be fast tracked

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    £600 tell me what your poor Brit pays for a Settlement visa £900!
    No, nothing Your poor Brit doesn't need a settlement visa

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    If they can process one of these visas in 24 hrs, they can process a settlement visa in 24 hrs instead of months, and Brits are pushed further to the end of the queue. That's the problem
    I'm sure there's a lot more background checks done on a settlement visa, but a very valid point nonetheless. Maybe that'll be the next fast track visa, for a premium of course

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    But you don't know

    One thing is for certain - you definitely don't know

    A Brit doesn't need to pay for a settlement visa for their partner?

    Common sense tells you that if you start prioritising applications others will NOT be prioritised and a queue forms as these will be fast tracked in 24 hrs, unless you can post me in a link showing they have taken on extra staff just to deal with these visa apps.

    Family permits are a priority, less that 24 hrs to process this visa. It's up to 15 working days to process 90% of visit visas, and 12 weeks for up to 95% of settlement visas. Why 12wks ???

    You say they do more background checks for a settlement visa. Like what ?? And why don't they do these checks for everyone else ?

  11. #11
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    One thing is for certain - you definitely don't know

    A Brit doesn't need to pay for a settlement visa for their partner?

    Common sense tells you that if you start prioritising applications others will NOT be prioritised and a queue forms as these will be fast tracked in 24 hrs, unless you can post me in a link showing they have taken on extra staff just to deal with these visa apps.

    Less that 24 hrs to process this visa? It's up to 15 working days to process 90% of visit visas, and 12 weeks for up to 95% of settlement visas. Why 12wks ??

    You say they do more background checks for a settlement visa. Like what ?? And why don't they do these checks for everyone else ?

    Joe, is this just an argument for argument's sake?

    Ok, just to address your points:

    UP TO 15 days, that's the time allowed, it doesn't mean it will take 15 working days. It's exactly the same as a British passport, pay extra have it done on a same day service, but your argument seems to be why can't they all be done on a same day service

    Why up to 12 weeks, and what extra checks?? To be totally honest, I don't know exactly, but I'm sure there members on here that do (yourself included). Things like checking the financial requirements of your sponsor or maybe checking your refugee claim

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Regarding checks, and why it can take 12 weeks or longer. As most sponsors will be British, the HO can very easily check that their passports are genuine online, can confirm their banks statements etc, are genuine very easily and quickly with the banks, and do checks with other gov departments as they share data.

    Now what they can't do as easily or as quickly, are these same checks on someone in China or another country, yet they will process a visa within 24 hrs or 15 days. Now, if they can do these checks in that time scale, why the 12 wks for a settlement visa ?

    Some will say it's because they are doing 'local checks' on the person in the Phils. So they are not doing these 'local checks' on people applying for another type of visa in the Phils or any other country?

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Wealthy foreign tourists/investors have helped the UK housing bubble keep inflating, further delaying a proper healthy correction, especially in cities like London.

    I`m not 100% sure why they see the UK as a good bet..All I can see is an explosion instead of a bang some day soon.

    UK fundamentals look pretty dire and I can well understand why most want to hide their heads in the shifting sands..

    If I were there, I would probably do the same.

    What other choice would I have?

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    UK fundamentals look pretty dire and I can well understand why most want to hide their heads in the shifting sands..

    If I were there, I would probably do the same.

    What other choice would I have?
    UK voted 3rd in the world

  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Based on what??? How deep they have their heads in the sand?
    Believe me..I`d like it to be true..Fundamentally speaking though..It just isn't..
    Why wont you lot discuss the countries Indebtedness and the plans to get out of it in the medium too long term..Do the Politicians have a plan? Which party?
    Convince us skeptics.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Well there are many trying to get into this country

    People have been preaching doom and gloom for the UK, so we're in debt, everyone is..

    I'm happy here, so is the misses, that's all that matters and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else

  17. #17
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Well there are many trying to get into this country

    People have been preaching doom and gloom for the UK, so we're in debt, everyone is..

    I'm happy here, so is the misses, that's all that matters and I wouldnt want to be anywhere else

    Well there are many trying to get into this country
    Ohh...OK,Here we go!!

    Illegal migrants see the UK as a "soft touch" and its benefits system acts as a "magnet" to them, the mayor of the French city of Calais has told MPs.

    people have been preaching doom and gloom for the UK, so were in debt, everyone is..
    I`m not in any debt!! It took much sacrifice and personal finance planning for me to be able too say that but there you go..I`m proud to say I`m debt free.
    So what is the policy of the UK`s political parties to reduce the national debt?
    If they cannot explain how to reduce the national debt,how can they expect to keep interest rates below the norms of 5%? These normal rates of interest are sure too return..and go beyond normal levels.
    You are not concerned by that Joe?
    When it happens..AND IT WILL..How do you think it will effect UK inflation?
    If you don't know the answers that's fine but I ask you to ask your political candidates!!
    Trust me..They won't know either.. That's not doom and gloom mate..Just plain economics.

    I'm happy here, so is the misses, that's all that matters and i wouldnt want to be anywhere else

    For now.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Well there are many trying to get into this country

    People have been preaching doom and gloom for the UK, so we're in debt, everyone is..

    I'm happy here, so is the misses, that's all that matters and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else

  19. #19
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Us and them
    A kick in the crotch for the average Brit

    It's a priority service, a fast track. The same as the average Brit paying to have their passport fast tracked. It's an option not a requirement, it's bringing an extra £600 per application into the British economy, that's a right kick in the crotch isn't it
    Why should a foreigner get precedence over a British tax payer? Hardly fair is it? And what's £600 to a wealthy individual anyhow? Peanuts!

    Cameron's got his pricing wrong. Should have taken a few tips from Pinoy taxi drivers on how to charge foreigners.

    As project manager, David, I hold you solely responsible for the failure of this task.......... YOU'RE FIRED.

  20. #20
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    David [*Cameron] ... YOU'RE FIRED! ... I like it, Jamie!

    And ... given the fact that the selfsame geezers's father-in-law is a multi-millionaire, *he's clearly living in cloud~ land.

  21. #21
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    Why should a foreigner get precedence over a British tax payer? Hardly fair is it? And what's £600 to a wealthy individual anyhow? Peanuts!

    .............. there too ... !

  22. #22
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    David [*Cameron] ... YOU'RE FIRED! ... I like it, Jamie!

    And ... given the fact that the selfsame geezers's father-in-law is a multi-millionaire, *he's clearly living in cloud~ land.
    Or in need of a backbone. Perhaps Santa will be kind to him this Christmas.

  23. #23
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    Why should a foreigner get precedence over a British tax payer? Hardly fair is it?
    How Please explain to me why on planet Jamie you think that a foreigner gets precedence over a British tax payer
    A British tax payer doesn't need a visa to stay in Britain

  24. #24
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    .............. there too ... !

    Please explain the Arthur, I really can't understand where you two are coming from

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    How Please explain to me why on planet Jamie you think that a foreigner gets precedence over a British tax payer

    A British tax payer doesn't need a visa to stay in Britain
    A British tax payer sponsors the settlement application, its a fact settlement visas are not a priority from the time scales, same with the time scale for visit visas

    EUN2.3 How quickly do I need to issue an EEA family permit?

    Priority must be given to applications for EEA family permits. Wherever possible a decision should be made at the time it is lodged or after an interview is conducted.

    However, the Regulations do not say that EEA family permits must be issued on the day that the application is made. The Directive does allow Member States to take reasonable measures to ensure that freedom of movement is not obtained by deception. Where you suspect a marriage of convenience or even ‘sham’ employment for the purpose of freedom of movement, further enquiries should be made and credibility may be tested. As long as delays are justifiable, applications can be tested until the ECO is fully satisfied.

    There is no reason a settlement visa should take 3 months or more, well there is, Cameron and May want to put a limit on immigrants coming to the UK. an election pledge they made and couldn't keep

  26. #26
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    A British tax payer sponsors the settlement application, its a fact settlement visas are not a priority from the time scales, same with the time scale for visit visas
    The scheme is for a TOURIST visa though, not a settlement visa

    From the article:-

    Ahead of his visit to Australia for the G20 summit, Mr Cameron announced that the scheme will be extended from India and China to seven other countries including South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and the Philippines.

    The only way it's affecting the British tax payer is by putting another £600 per application into the economy

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    The scheme is for a TOURIST visa though, not a settlement visa

    From the article:-

    Ahead of his visit to Australia for the G20 summit, Mr Cameron announced that the scheme will be extended from India and China to seven other countries including South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and the Philippines.

    The only way it's effecting the British tax payer is by putting another £600 per application into the economy
    Settlement visa is £900 and they make more profit from that than a visit visa

    Tell me which visa has more chance of being refused a visit visa or settlement visa? And you know from personal experience, yet they can fast track a visit visa in 24 hrs

  28. #28
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Settlement visa is £900 and they make more profit from that than a visit visa

    Tell me which visa has more chance of being refused a visit visa or settlement visa?, and you know from personal experience, yet they can fast track a visit visa in 24 hrs

    Firstly, show me a profit margin link to verify your statement

    Secondly, and more to the point, the scheme has as much to do with a settlement visa as it has to do with the cost of a loaf of bread. Read it again Joe after all you started the topic, it's a scheme to fast track TOURIST visas. Nothing to with any other sort of visa, the cost of a loaf of bread or anything else

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Please explain the Arthur, I really can't understand where you two are coming from
    No need, Simon ... others have said it for me. Besides ... ... you're bound to know as well as I do - "money always talks"!

  30. #30
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    No need, Simon ... others have said it for me. Besides ... ... you're bound to know as well as I do - "money always talks"!

    So you can't explain then

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