Hi guys,

I am new to this forum and was looking for some advice and help.

Basically my gf who i have known for 3 years now, well she a problem with her birth cert.

Ok let me put you in the picture we have a baby girl who is one and i have just returend from philly having spent xmas and new year with them.

However i am really frustrated on how i am going to bring them over to the uk tolive with me, my gf birth cert has a different name on it - it says baby girl!!
So i believe she must get this changed then apply for a passport then a visa, this could take some time???

I do want to marry her in the philly but im wondering should i get marreid before applying for a visa oh i dont knwow.................any adivce on visas changing birth certs would be appreciated.

Or even better a way of working and living out there.
