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Thread: LIFT MY SPIRITS UP please

  1. #1
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Unhappy LIFT MY SPIRITS UP please

    When me and my husband got married last august it was not really planned.One friend offered me his help that he can do the paper works for a civil marriage. My husband agreed and paid this guy for our marriage. That was one week before he goes back to uk. So this guy went to see his friends in the city hall who has been helping him work on papers long time OF COURSE BY MEANS OF LAGAY....::Cuckoo

    to cut it short, we got married and the papers were released after the wedding . What am so worried now is that the marriage liscence was released on a diffrent municipality not on where the marriage certificate was released. Is this another big problem for me in my application for visa?

    please enlighten me.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    my GOSH, you got a lot of stuff, now, calm down, it may not be so bad .. .the person to ask is GINAPETERB, coz pete is the resident expert, just relax for the moment sister


  3. #3
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    calling the attention of Kuya Peter, u have a case here..


  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    terrrrr peeeeeeeeeeeee....

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    calling the attention of Kuya Peter, u have a case here..

    Some folk have to work hard in this country to pay high taxes to support the Romanian children
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I'm almost inspired to go to the RANT section now! lol

  8. #8
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    Go then...

  9. #9
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    lol ....

    all u foreigners coming into my country grrr

    and working and paying tax, so i can have free medical care and ...

    well, actually, some of u foreigners aren't so bad after all


  10. #10
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Wow a case for me ? ohhhhhh maraaming salamat kapitid Bridget, and Kapitid Kimmi, my ears have just pricked up. like an alsation doggy....let me seee...I will put on my thinking cap...and answer the question as asked

    from Kapitid desRichards, she said

    What am so worried now is that the marriage liscence was released on a diffrent municipality not on where the marriage certificate was released. Is this another big problem for me in my application for visa?
    Lets break this down a little for you:

    1. You used the services of a fixer to arrange your marriage contract to be issued a different municipality to where your marriage licence was granted.

    2. Firstly your marriage licence is not a document that needs to be shown to the British authorities at the Embassy.

    3. I am assuming that your marriage if a civil marriage was conducted by an incumbent member of the judiciary, such as a local justice of the peace.

    4. The Judges, office would have signed and sealed the said marriage contract and sent to the municipality for onward facsimile transmission to the National Statistics office in Quezon City for regisration in the registrar of marriages for the Republic of Philippines.

    5. Unless of course your marriage contract was faked, or arranged by payment of a fee to speed or bypass the correct system.

    6. Assuming your marriage contract was not faked or in some way forged, which it should not have been if you signed a marriage contract in your civil ceremony, in that case, although the marriage contract may have been issued in a different muncipality, this is not relevant.

    7. Can I assume that you have received back from the National Statistics office a full authorized copy of your NSO Marriage contract (The Green coloured one) showing that the marriage has been registered).

    If so, then the only document required for inspection by the Entry Clearance officer, is known as a

    Local Marriage Certificate

    This document is the one and same, authorized copy of your NSO Marriage contract that would have been sent back to you for safe keeping.

    Provided you have this document, then the fact that your marriage licence was issued at another municipality should not be of any relevance, since you should not hold this document, the marriage licence is held by the Judges office to validate your eligibility to be married under the laws of the Republic of Philippines.

    If you have this document as well, something is not right somewhere, so I hope you are not holding a marriage licence.

    So relax, you have nothing to worry about, when presenting your documents for the Entry Clearance.

    I hope this has helped you...

  11. #11
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    if i remember right, not just bridget and kimmi should be thanked! i was the first one to say that it's a case for u right?

  12. #12
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Thank you Tom, did you say it also...well I stand corrected, always happy to put matters straight when I can, I was one of the ones who was out today working to pay taxes and support Romanian kids, Sir Keith said.

    Best wishes.

  13. #13
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    and tomorrow night, whilst u are relaxing with ur missus, i'll be slaving away in a job i ABSOLUTELY LOVE and which PAYS REALLY WELL and ... welll....I'll be giving money via tax to those poor unfortunate layabouts on the dole


  14. #14
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Want to smile. Watch this :

    So...let me get this right..The UK embassy do not take into account you married in the Philippines,they concentrate on the laws applicable in UK?

    I emailed the British Consolate about how getting married within 21 days (since that is the visit time!) here is their reply of the correct procedure:
    Dear Mr. McDonald,

    If you are already in possession of a valid CNI from the UK, we can confirm that it is possible for you to get married, well within the validity of a 21 day visa.

    Here is what you should do to expedite the process...

    Scan the following original documents and email them to <> as attachments:
    Your Original CNI.
    Your valid British Passport (The page showing your details).
    Your Original UK Birth Certificate.
    This will enable us to prepare your exchange CNI well in advance of your arrival in the Philippines, so that all the Consul will have to do is sign the Exchange CNI documents on the day that you attend this Consulate.

    Please advise us of the date of your arrival and please bring all the above-mentioned original documents with you. We will pencil in an early morning appointment for you on the first working day after your arrival (Please read the attachment)

    On the day that you receive your exchange CNI you should take it immediately to the local Registrar at City Hall where you, together with your spouse to be, must apply for a marriage licence. The publication process takes 10 days and the licence should be granted on the first working day after that.

    The Fee for issuing an Exchange CNI is 5,605.00 Philippine Pesos.

    For and on behalf of...

    Douglas Paterson Esq. MBE | British Honorary Consul | British Consulate - Angeles City | 18-6 Concepcion Drive | Villa Teresa | Angeles City | Pampanga | Philippines

    Just for others out there considering doing it.

  15. #15
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Cant quite understand Gary why you posted the above, how does it help the questioner ?

  16. #16
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Because if I am considering marriage.It is the written in the letter that should be correct procedures.

  17. #17
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I can understand about your own marriage procedure, fine but the thread is not about your own situation, it is about the author of the thread, desRichards, perhaps you should read the original question, and then you might see how your post was not in line with the thread.

    Sorry to be perdantic but sometimes people go off on a tangent, and we loose the essence of the thread.

  18. #18
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    not that i want to be a pedant either but ... its "pedantic"


    ohhh the blessed irony

  19. #19
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    not that i want to be a pedant either but ... its "pedantic"


    ohhh the blessed irony
    Your bored mate !!

  20. #20
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    It's "you're" heheheh

    u started it with your "pedantic" talk heheh!

    although, i am an absolute hypocrite when i start topics like "Marivic and I" ... lol how bad is that

  21. #21
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    oh I am glad Kuya Peter heard it when I and Sis Bridge called him..

    Kuya Peter hope u understand my big son, sometimes he is really like that when he forget to take his

  22. #22
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    Thank you very much indeed Peter!!you really are a great help for me, sad to say yes they gave me my marriage liscence and today ill go to this guy who have process all this papers and kiskc his ill go also to city hall today i recieved a document today from the nso saying they culd not find a record of our marriage and instructed me to tell the LCRO to ENDORSED on their office the marriage please exucuse me bec i need to so some KILLING... I MEAN.. KICKING....

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    oh I am glad Kuya Peter heard it when I and Sis Bridge called him..

    Kuya Peter hope u understand my big son, sometimes he is really like that when he forget to take his

  24. #24
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    HEY TOM CHEER UP.... i think sis kimmi knows you so very

  25. #25
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    hello ginapeterb, thanks so much today i went to see the LCRO and asked them why the NSO could not find a copy of my marriage cert it was obviously was not endorsed by this guy WHO IS SUPPOSED to speed up the papers but then turned to HAVE SLOWED everything up for i went to NSO office itself and have to wait now ANOTHER THREE WEEKS...huhuhuh but ill take this one as it is my fault...anways one more ASKING,.even if the marriage liscence is not needed it still will appear on my marriage certificate do you think the embassy will question me for this one?

    also me and my husband decided to wait till march when he arrive to get all papers sorted ...i dont want to RUSH and risk for nothing .This forum has challenge me to GET VISA SLOWLY BUT SURELY...AM DETERMINED...thank you so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  26. #26
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I can understand your frustrations, but I always advise readers at this forum not to use the services of a Fixer the guy you asked to complete the paperwork for you simply took your money and did not do anything that would have helped you.

    Fixers always give off the impression that somehow they have influence with the officials or NSO or BIR or BCI or other organization that is run by government, some Fixers can speed up the process, but often their promises don't materialize, now look what has happened, your paperwork is not correct, and no record of your marriage.

    You need this like a hole in the head.

    The marriage license is not required for entry clearance, only the NSO marriage contract duly signed and authenticated by the Office of National Statistics.

    Well if it means waiting until March next year, then why not if it puts the situation in the perspective of you getting full entry clearance without let or hindrance.

    I always advise readers to ensure their paperwork is correct, if it is not, the entry clearance team will throw it out.

    Best of Luck.

  27. #27
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    I echo what Kuya Pete says, don't pay fixers for anything.

    Back in 2004, Elsa couldn't start an application for a visa because her birth certificate was incorrect, that took 8 months to sort out, and many times, so called "fixers" offered to do it all for a fee, but she correctly refused each time. It took 8 months to sort it out, but at least we both know its all been done properly and according to rules and regulations of Philippines, and there will be no comeback later.

  28. #28
    Member desRICHARDS's Avatar
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    thanks pete....and walesrob..yes it was such a big mistake to have allowed this guy to sort out my papers i really dont call him fixer bec he is a brother in law of my sister and the husband of my bestfriend.I trusted him but then i forgot that this man is NOT IN HIS SLEF MOST OF THE TIME AND TEND TO FORGET THINGS.(lol HIS WIFE sometimes his wife wants to kill me bec i introduce him to i know we are even) JUST YESTERDAY as i was in the office of the registry its the officer itself was trying to extort me I think thats how phillippines system works..making money by any means yes pete ill wait till march till my husband is here...thankssssssss

  29. #29
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post

    I can understand your frustrations, but I always advise readers at this forum not to use the services of a Fixer the guy you asked to complete the paperwork for you simply took your money and did not do anything that would have helped you.

    Fixers always give off the impression that somehow they have influence with the officials or NSO or BIR or BCI or other organization that is run by government, some Fixers can speed up the process, but often their promises don't materialize, now look what has happened, your paperwork is not correct, and no record of your marriage.

    You need this like a hole in the head.

    The marriage license is not required for entry clearance, only the NSO marriage contract duly signed and authenticated by the Office of National Statistics.

    Well if it means waiting until March next year, then why not if it puts the situation in the perspective of you getting full entry clearance without let or hindrance.

    I always advise readers to ensure their paperwork is correct, if it is not, the entry clearance team will throw it out.

    Best of Luck.

    I can vouch for what Peter writes my Wife saw one young girl who had got married but did not have the correct paperwork the cfo were not impressed from what my Wife saw and if they had tried to apply they would have had loads of problems possibly even legal problems due to supplying false paperwork. The husband had not got his paperwork from the uk to show he is free to marry and defintely not checked and converted to the correct format for the phill authorities by the british embassy in phill.

    Like the others advise get it sorted whatever it costs in time and money it will be worth it.

  30. #30
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    huh? andypaul? resurrected?

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