In brief: Changes affecting adult dependent relative applications
The adult dependent relative visa category enables relatives of British citizens or settled persons to come to live in the UK.17 Successful applicants are granted permanent settlement immediately.
Previously, parents or grandparents aged 65 or over were eligible if they were wholly or mainly dependent on the UK-based family member for money, did not have other close relatives in their country who could support them, and could be adequately maintained in the UK without recourse to public funds and housed in accommodation owned or occupied by the UK-based sponsor. Other adult relatives (parents and grandparents under 65, and children, siblings and uncles and aunts) could also apply if they met those eligibility criteria and there were ‘exceptional compassionate circumstances’.
New applications submitted on or after 9 July are subject to stricter eligibility criteria. Firstly, uncles and aunts of UK-based sponsors, and applicants with unspent convictions in the UK or overseas are no longer eligible for this type of visa.
Furthermore, relatives must demonstrate that they require a level of long-term personal care as a result of age, illness or disability, which can only be provided by their relative in the UK and without recourse to public funds. “Long-term personal care” is regarded as help to perform everyday tasks such as washing, dressing and cooking. If the applicant is able to obtain the required level of care in their own country with practical and financial help from the UK-based sponsor, they will not be eligible for a visa.
In addition, the UK-based sponsor must sign an undertaking confirming that the applicant will not have recourse to public funds, and that the sponsor will be responsible for their maintenance, accommodation and care