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Thread: B1 English Test

  1. #1
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    B1 English Test

    We have been looking around for English test centres for when Imelda applies for Citizenship but seem to be spoilt for choice around London as there is ILETS /ESOL/Trinity College/Pearson to name but a few.

    Just wondered if anyone has done it recently or which is the easier (if any) as some of them seem to have a slightly different format and they range in price from £115 up to £200. Any advice gladly received

  2. #2
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    English test for citizenship

    HI ALL,

    We have been looking around for a suitable B1 English test for my wife to take but there seems to be so many around and they vary both in price and format.

    Has anybody on here taken one recently, or have any advice on which one to go for?? We live in West London

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I just merged your threads.

    Preference will depend on you and your wife, i.e. price you are willing to pay and location (nearest would obviously a good choice). Take note that any of the tests in the approved list by the UKVI are good.

    As for me, I took IELTS when I was still in the Philippines and the certificate will still be acceptable in my future visa applications
    (ILR and citizenship) even though it's already expired (test result is equivalent to B1 and above). Other members here used ESOL or Pearson or Trinity College.

    It will really depend on you and your wife which to choose. You can do a Google search for some test examples of the tests in the approved list and it might help your wife decide which one she'd be comfortable enough to take.

    Hope that that helps.
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  4. #4
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    I just merged your threads.

    Preference will depend on you and your wife, i.e. price you are willing to pay and location (nearest would obviously a good choice). Take note that any of the tests in the approved list by the UKVI are good.

    As for me, I took IELTS when I was still in the Philippines and the certificate will still be acceptable in my future visa applications
    (ILR and citizenship) even though it's already expired (test result is equivalent to B1 and above). Other members here used ESOL or Pearson or Trinity College.

    It will really depend on you and your wife which to choose. You can do a Google search for some test examples of the tests in the approved list and it might help your wife decide which one she'd be comfortable enough to take.

    Hope that that helps.
    Ok, thanks for that

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