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Thread: Fiancee visa refused- reasons: no company letter and Hopkins English test not recognised?

  1. #1
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Fiancee visa refused- reasons: no company letter and Hopkins English test not recognised?

    Hi all!
    I'm helping a friend. I woke up today to find her very sad and shocking message. We were happy for her yesterday because she said she has finally received an email letting her know that she can already collect her passport in VFS Manila. However when she went to get the passport this morning she was disappointed to find that her application was actually refused for the reasons stated above. I believe that she and her fiance is in a genuine loving relationship and their intention to marry here in the UK is real too. She has asked me to be her bridesmaid in February. But now instead of being able to be excited and look forward to their wedding she and her fiance are in shock. So if anyone has experienced the similar thing, and has some spare time to advice on how to appeal? She said that she found there is a 7 page appeal form. But naturally, I imagine it is confusing. Please advice, anyone? Thank you very much in advance!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    All they need to do is do tbe company letter and do a recognised English Test (my wife did IELTS) .... Appeal and submit those documents and all should be fine.

    Unfortunately it seems they didn't do two things that they need and could possibly not submit..

    Hope the appeal is successful.

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    When did she submit her application? Hopkins hasn't been in the approved list for English Language Test Provider since July this year. Have they read all the requirements that they need to submit? I'm not sure if having the appeal is the best foot forward here since they failed to submit all the requirements and it would take months to have a decision. It might be easier to submit a new application and include all the missing requirements. Others will correct me if I'm wrong though.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  4. #4
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    I agree with Rayna.
    An appeal process would take a long time and based on the information you've shared the refusal would most likely be upheld.

    It's important to submit correctly all mandatory evidential documents.

    Personally I feel that there may have been further doubts about the application. A missing piece of documentation such as Employer Letter would normally be made known to the applicant and a given amount of time allowed to submit one.
    This has been the case previously.

    Based solely on what you've shared here your friend needs to review all the requirements carefully and consider to make a new application.

    Sorry to learn about the refusal. All here understand the emotional impacts

  5. #5
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    Can I ask if it's a fiancée visa what's the tbe company letter for? And what is a tbe company letter?

  6. #6
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    Presumably the letter confirming the sponsor's current employment status and salary ?

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac M View Post
    Can I ask if it's a fiancée visa what's the tbe company letter for? And what is a *tbe company letter?
    puzzled me as well, at first. I hadn't heard of a 'tbe' letter either ... and then realised the person - in whose post #2 you'd spotted this - had inadvertently typed the characters tbe instead of the in his reference to the Company Letter needed.

    So don't worry ... ... a simple, straightforward letter from your current employer will, as Graham has indicated, prove sufficient to confirm your wages for visa purposes.

  8. #8
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    Ah, thanks again, panic mode set in. I should have worked that one out for myself. Being self employed, I will write my own out.

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Have you read this ?

    - particularly Section 9

  10. #10
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Hi all! Thank you for all your advice. My friend and her fiance decided to go ahead with their appeal at the time.... I have not heard from her since. I worry.
    She mentioned that they had to pay some money for the appeal (a lot more expense) and they are aware that they will have to wait a while to get the result of the appeal. She also mentioned that if the decision gets overturned, she will be able to get some money back. But no wedding is happening this month

    Thanks again for all your time and advice!

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    DAnn ... your friend's wedding has had to be postponed pending the outcome of her appeal against her Settlement Visa refusal.

    Hopefully, she'll soon receive confirmation that the original decision has been overturned to enable she and her fiance to press ahead with their plans.
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 24th November 2015 at 16:49.

  12. #12
    Member DAnn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    DAnn ... your friend's wedding has had to be postponed pending the outcome of her appeal against her Settlement Visa refusal.

    Hopefully, she'll soon receive confirmation that the original decision has been overturned to enable she and her fiance to press ahead with their plans.
    Thanks Arthur Little... I worry that the appeal might not get overturned... I heard it seldom happens. I should have read more from here soon as it happened and could have tried to convince them to just put in a new application instead of appealing.

    Anyway, the appeal has been filed. Nothing can be done now but wait for her good news. Maybe one of these days, who knows!
    Last edited by Arthur Little; 24th November 2015 at 16:50.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DAnn View Post
    Anyway, the appeal has been filed. Nothing can be done now but wait for her good news. Maybe one of these days, who knows!
    The appeals process is taking around 6 months.

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