1. You have a fridge freezer and its full of food but you are unable to find anything to eat.
2. The house is full of buy 2 get 1 free offers from Asda.
3. You have a broom in the cupboard that is being looked after for the local witch.
4. She expects you read her mind by moving her lips and raising her eyebrows.
5. The local fire brigade are frequent visitors to your house because of your cooker always smoking....they find its a char grilled fish.
6. She wont throw away any food and insists its for leftovers.
7. She eats leftovers rice and chicken for breakfast.
8. She calls you on the mobile and asks you what should she prepare for dinner.......you tell her chicken.....you get home to find a chicken on th table the size of a football.
9. When you get home from work you find another freezer has been delivered........she wants it to store special offers she picked up at Iceland.
10. She eats chicken with her fingers and insists on putting ketchup on it.
11. Her favourite meal is leftovers.
12. She washes her hair in a bucket. (not mine)
13. She spends hours haggling and vetting prices in the mall.
14. She tries to haggle the price going over the Dartord River Crossing.
15. You have to buy several wardrobes to accomodate her clothes.
16. She has a clean out and throws all her empty shoe boxes in your wardrobe.
17. She has more shoes than Imelda Marcos.
18. She insists on buying a new bag every week. even though she cannot possible use them all in the same week.
19. She arrives from the Philippines with so much suitcases that you have to hire a minivan to get them home.

(Come on any more - to add )