This sums it up very well - for people who don't have a life!!!Originally posted by admin@Jan 17 2006, 09:47 AM
Does anyone watch this complete and utter crap? Or like soaps, is it just for people who don't have a real life?
We can excuse the old and infirm who have vicarious pleasure from watching the soaps but sadly the viewing audience is not restricted to this group. Of which the most depressing aspect is that they have the vote.............
Sadly NOTHING can be done to remedy the situation - Did the "soaps" wash the Great out of Britain?
Happily we (forum members) have our own remedy - we are all off to PI to enjoy ourselves (watching UK soaps on Cable TV) backed by our sterling denominated pension plans !!
Actualy we won't have cable TV but TVIP as the technology will have matured by the time we retire.
Buy your lot in PI as soon as you can and plan your retirement NOW
Can I still be a forum member when this happens for me or will jealousy drive me out?
Imagine - Petrol at 40p per liter when the UK pays 100p
Beer at 25p a bottle 100p
A life without a raincoat - gloves - heating bills
anything else I have left out ??
Sorry I have to go and study the airline timetables .............