Please do not mention a person or groups religion when it is not required.
For instance:
Yet another Muslim grooming gang convicted - Not acceptable
Yet another Christian grooming gang convicted - Not acceptable
Religion in these cases has nothing to do with the fact that those convicted are paedo criminals that exist in every culture.
For instance:
Muslim Imam convicted of sex abuse - Acceptable
Catholic Priest convicted of sex abuse - Acceptable
These are acceptable as the words Imam & Priest make it clear that they have used religious power to abuse.
The rule is clear and simple. It is common sense. Papers like the Daily Mail like to make more of a story than actually exists. Regardless of what religion or culture a person is from, a peado is a peado. If the person has obviously used their religious position to abuse, then it is acceptable, if not, then religion is irrelevant.
As many Filipino's are Christian and Muslim, we have no problem with either and accept them all as one family.
People who now break this rule will receive a warning. If that is ignored, a ban may follow.