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Thread: Lashed up eye surgeon suspended for 6 months

  1. #1
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    Lashed up eye surgeon suspended for 6 months

    Wirral-based surgeon Somdutt Prasad shamed over catalogue of drunken episodes which included leaving a patient with a bleeding eye.

    Internationally-renowned eye surgeon Dr Somdutt Prasad, who performed an operation under the influence of alcohol, was suspended.

    Dr Prasad was banned for six month after a tribunal was told of a catalogue of drinking episodes, one involving him driving the wrong way down a road, causing two cars to crash.

    The Medical Practitioners Tribunal heard that Prasad had to stop a cataract operation at the Spire hospital in Barnston in June 2012, complaining that there was a problem with the microscope.

    The patient was left with a bleeding eye.

    Colleagues described Prasad’s behaviour as “erratic” and one nurse told the panel how she “got a strong smell of alcohol” when the ophthalmologist sat down beside her.

    When she later questioned him he admitted drinking during the previous night but denied drinking that day.

    Panel chairman Neil Sykes said: “[The nurse] said that if Mr Prasad had been a younger man, she might have described his demeanour that day as being as if he had partied ‘til 6am and then come to work.”

    The panel agreed that Prasad was under the influence of alcohol whilst at work on that afternoon.

    Three weeks later, the 49-year-old was given a 12-month community service order after he drove towards oncoming traffic, straddling both lanes, hitting two vehicles before his Nissan Note collided with a black Kia Rio, leaving an 80-year-old woman with a broken chest plate and whiplash in July 2012.

    The medic told police he could not provide a breath sample because he had asthma.

    In another incident, Prasad was seen fishtailing and weaving across the M53 in Wirral as police later found him at traffic lights, asleep in the car, the engine still running, with a litre bottle of vodka three quarters empty in the footwell in December 2012.

    Prasad, who also worked at Arrowe Park Hospital, was jailed for six weeks just before Christmas in 2013 for his drink driving for failing to provide a breath specimen, and was banned from getting behind the wheel for four years over the incident.

    The doctor, who has since resigned from Arrowe Park Hospital for ‘health-related reasons’, admitted the charges against him apart from being drunk while working at Spire hospital, which was found proven.

    He also admitted being drunk at a business meeting at St George’s Medical Centre, New Brighton, in October 2012.

    Prasad was revealed to be three times the legal limit for driving and started to “talk in a bizarre manner, was giggling and slumped forward”, the tribunal heard.

    Mr Sykes said: “‘The panel took the view that because Mr Prasad was unable to perform his duties as a surgeon at the Spire Hospital that day owing to being under the influence of alcohol, his conduct fell well below the standards expected of a medical professional.

    “His actions undermined the reputation of the profession.

    “Further, his behaviour in front of two professionals, who had attended at St George’s for a meeting, was described as bizarre and the panel is in no doubt that those attending that meeting would have described Mr Prasad’s actions as deplorable.”

    Prasad faced being struck off, but the panel said this would have been a “disproportionate response”.

    Mr Sykes said: “Mr Prasad has been described as a talented ophthalmic surgeon.

    “It would not be in the public interest to prevent his eventual return to unrestricted practice”.

    Limp wristed decision he should have been struck off

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Struck off, he can not be trusted

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    Internationally-renowned eye surgeon Dr Somdutt Prasad who performed an operation under the influence of alcohol, was suspended.

    Dr Prasad was banned for six month after a tribunal was told of a catalogue of drinking episodes, one involving him driving the wrong way down a road, causing two cars to crash.

    Three weeks later, the 49-year-old was given a 12-month community service order after he drove towards oncoming traffic, straddling both lanes, hitting two vehicles before his Nissan Note collided with a black Kia Rio, leaving an 80-year-old woman with a broken chest plate and whiplash in July 2012.

    Limp wristed decision he should have been struck off
    (A)ye ... and been given whiplashes himself.

    ................................................ kind ... by way of a salutory lesson for wreaking such havoc!

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