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Thread: Where can you marry in the Philippines?

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Where can you marry in the Philippines?

    For a couple who wanted to celebrate their big event in a romantic place, that’s not far away from the city, is it really possible for them to find the right venue? Is there a place that has everything you can dream of? So, where can you marry in the Philippines?

    Marrying a person you love is making a promise that you and your partner will be with each other forever. Since the Philippines is a Catholic country, the common wedding there is a church wedding and they believe that if you marry in front of the altar, then nothing can separate your marriage. Aside from that; garden weddings for some Christians is also famous. This theme of wedding, sometimes used by people who admire the sincerity of nature, and think that it will reflect well on their marriage life. A beach or lake wedding is used also by Filipino Christians, this is actually a dream wedding for romantic and outdoor people.
    Near Metro Manila, Batangas is a place where you can find many beach resorts, old churches and gardens that could be used for a venue wedding. In Talisay there’s a resort called Club Balai Isabel, it is one of the most famous wedding destinations in the south of Metro Manila. The resort has various garden locations that can accommodate from 30 to a thousand guests. You will be attracted to its green landscapes and well maintained lawns that can be perfect for a wedding, complete with the view of the famous Taal lake and Taal volcano. According to some people, this is a place to escape from a busy life in the city, so if you plan to marry the person you love, and hate the disturbing city sounds, this is the best place for you.
    The Club Balai Isabel also offers a lakefront wedding, this is perfect for couples who have been dreaming about making vows in front of sunset that collaborate with the clear water of the lake. As we’re talking about a wedding, it is important to have the blessings of the church, this resort has a Mary and Joseph Chapel that could be used for the wedding ceremony. Inside the resort, there are villas and cottages that are suitable for guests and family who will be the witnesses for your wedding. Since marrying a person is also marrying the family of your partner, you should make sure that they are comfortable on the big day.
    The Philippines has 7,107 islands, and there really are a lot of beautiful places to get married, and Batangas is one of the best. Aside from it is near the metro and has famous landscapes, the people there are easy to deal with, and you wouldn’t have any problem in terms of reservation for your dream venue. Marriage life starts on the day of your wedding, so choose the best start, plan according to your dream and marry your loved one in a magnificent and peaceful place. | marriage, marry in the Philippines, philippine marriage, Where can you marry in the Philippines

  2. #2
    Member rhosalie's Avatar
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    Hi, me and my Fiancé are scheduled to get married on 23 April 2015. We're supposed to have a garden/Christian wedding in Lakeshore Pampangga. You are right Sir, the dominating religion here in the Philippines is Catholicism. Myself is included. Why we're not going to have a Church wedding - even if I dream of walking down the aisle inside a Catholic church? Because my fiancé's religion is Church of England, we no longer want to give ourselves any fuss in regards to all the needed requirements on having a Catholic wedding, and we both know that our religion will never be a hindrance to our marriage. So we decided to have an outdoor wedding.

    Everything was set until I called the Pastor that will officiate the ceremony, and learned from him that he couldn't marry Us. Why? Because, according to him, it's one of the Laws here in PH, that the one who will officiate at the ceremony should have the same religion as the marrying couple. Meaning, if you're going to have a Catholic wedding inside the church, it's fine if one of you is Catholic and one is not. BUT if you're going to have a Christian wedding and both of you are not Christian you can't have a Christian wedding.

    We thought at first that we weren't going to have a problem, since Christians have many sub-types and Church of England is one of them. But according to the pastor, Church of England is Anglican. It's not Christian (born Again) according to him. It can be grounds for an Annulment if we pursue to have a Christian wedding. He gave us some solutions that we could take and one of them is to have a civil wedding first. So my fiancé decided to come back again here in January for our civil wedding. For us, civil weddings are only for legality, but the one in April that we planned will be our blessing from God in front of our family and friends.

  3. #3
    Member rhosalie's Avatar
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    We've learned as well that a Catholic priest is no longer allowed to officiate at a wedding outside a Catholic Church.

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