Originally posted by Eljohno@Feb 19 2006, 11:45 PM
Hi Fred,
just recently i have been to Panglao island before my wedding with friends and then for the Honeymoon, and it is paradise for sure. Would you be thinking of catering for the tourists for income or just somewhere to stay for a while?
Hi John..
I bought a hectare of my bro in laws land on the island..P160 per sqr mtr..
thinking of starting a small country club over the next few years more as a hobby than anything else..
We have been building an 18 door apartment block in Cavite for the last two years..ground floor finished and rented..2 floors still to finish off...
This will hopefully provide about 3/4 of our required income needed for our new life in Panglao sometime next year (or so)..
Cant bloody wait!!