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Thread: Why not force every pirate to walk the plank?

  1. #1
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    Why not force every pirate to walk the plank?

    Why not force every pirate to walk the plank?

    Frederick Forsyth Daily Express 12 Dec 2014

    DO you recall when it was almost impossible for a freighter to steam past the coast of Somalia without being attacked, boarded, captured and held for ransom?
    Then the merchant marine community quietly decided it had had enough and that waiting for rescue by the widely scattered international warships took too long and often failed to work.
    So without fuss or media publicity they began to hire a couple of marksmen with heavy- duty sniper rifles for the stretch from Djibouti to Mombasa.
    The pirates’ aluminium skiffs are no match for a Barrett Light- 50 round ( about the size of your forefinger) and who wants to sink 300 miles offshore?
    After a few watery examples the Somali pirates got the message. Today that form of piracy off the Horn of Africa is history. But it has moved to the waters off Lagos, Nigeria.

    This is excellent news - it's no good pussy footing around with these scum violence is the only language they understand

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Absolutely right.

    Civilisation and security have to be fought for, tomorrow and continuously.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Fight fire with fire they say

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