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Thread: Watch out, there is something in the road!

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Watch out, there is something in the road!

    There I was, just enjoying the moment.

    Well, not really.

    I pulled out of this side road and onto the main road and off I went. I soon caught up with this ambulance in a 40mph zone and he was doing around 33mph.

    I was in no rush, so I just kept a nice distance between us. And then it happened! Did I see it first, or did the ambulance driver see it? He applied his brakes - slowly at first - then swerved onto the other side of the road into oncoming drivers who nearly mounted the kerb.

    I thought what a t-----t, what this man had just done was so stupid and what did he try to avoid? A squirrel running across the road.

    Yes I know, why run something over if you can avoid it? But to put others in danger well, you can imagine what I shouted at him through the cab window as we sat at traffic lights.

  2. #2
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    He should be taken off driving.

    That is (obviously) highly dangerous, and for a supposed professional driver... ridiculous.

    I will ALWAYS run over whatever is in my path rather than swerving, if I can't brake safely in time. Running into a 40 ton truck head-on or squashing somebody's Labrador, sorry, no contest.

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I will ALWAYS run over whatever is in my path rather than swerving, if I can't brake safely in time. Running into a 40 ton truck head-on or squashing somebody's Labrador, sorry, no contest.

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