Bought something off ebay the other day and the chap was nice to say he would post it straight away.

He said I should get it next day, but with the Xmas post it could take a little longer, but should be here before the weekend.

So really, it should have come on the 16th. Well, it did not and then the next day passed and still nothing.

Today, I thought I would track it and you'll never guess what! It was attempted delivery on the 16th just after 1pm and they are awaiting my instructions for me to go and collect it.

They say they posted me their card intimating this but I did not receive a card at all.

I got the reference number and off I went to the Sorting Office with lots of ID, and yes, I got my package and I'm a happy chappie, but wonder what would have happened if I did not have a tracking number, what proof would the sender have to say he'd sent it?

Anyway all's well that ends well.