Originally Posted by
You know, it makes me cringe whenever I read of things like this happening to a couple who are "bound together" by a child or children. It can and does happen either way .. the woman threatens the man with the baby or, in this case, the father threatening the mother. Do you know that there would be a much higher chance that you would be awarded custody of your baby rather than the unemployed father should it end in court? It must be a hellish thought, coming home from work wondering what arguments or fights are awaiting you, especially when I'd imagine all you want is a loving cuddle from your man.
Men are all different, some love, some hate, some fight, some don't care .. unfortunately it's only when he brings you back to his "home territory" that you find out what the true personality is.
Don't live like this Skysisi! .. maybe they're just empty threats, but do try to talk to him in a quiet, peaceful manner and tell him it's not the way you want to be treated after you have given him a daughter.
I feel sorry for the way things have turned out for you and hope you find happiness real soon.