This is a video made by an American who for three years researched everything about the Philippines because he wanted to move there.

After FOUR days he'd had enough of the country so he made this video which lasts an incredible 90 minutes detailing the bad things about the Philippines . I haven't watched it all by the way.

This is his description of the video.

This is a warning about going to the Philippines. All the places and people you hear talking about the Philippines such as Philippine Dreams, Life Beyond The Sea, Happier, and all the rest of these type of places are lying to you, 100% guaranteed. The Philippines is worse than you could begin to imagine, and it almost killed me. If there is one thing I've learned so far in my 47 times around the sun is that when it comes to money most all people are liars. All of these places make their videos and make their websites to make money, and they have to lie about what they say in order to do so, because nobody likes bad news and there is no money in speaking about it, everyone wants to hear about how many girls you can get, how cheap everything is to live off of, and how nice and sunny and tropical it is. I too bought into the lie and made the trip to the Philippines thinking I would move there and live there for the rest of my life, only to make an emergency trip back home after almost dying at the hospital from all the air pollution. The air pollution is a thousand times worse than I ever imagined and I had been researching the Philippines for 3 long years online. When I got there I couldn't believe how bad it was, and the only people I feel sorry for are the Filipinos, I have no sympathy for Happier Abroad. com, Life Beyond the Sea, Travis Kraft, or Philippine Dreams, all of these people are scum in my opinion. Travis Kraft is a closet homosexual, Henry with Life Beyond the Sea is a Lady Boy lover pretending to want a women, and Ned with Philippine Dreams is only trying to make money from his YouTube channel by promoting a lie and putting on a false illusion. I David Lewis Kuvelas am here to speak the real truth so that people like me don't make the same mistake that I just made. If you like the smell of sewers and breathing in black smoke and car fumes all day you might like it, but don't try getting any real girls there, it's all a lie and an illusion, out of the 15 white guys I saw there only one of them had a girl, all the rest looked desperate to find one. All the girls there paid no attention to me whatsoever and weren't at all interested in me, whereas here in the USA I have many girls interested in me, don't be fooled by these con artists and scum bag whore mongering freaks for that is what they all are, and that's why they will all be going to Hell where they belong.....David Kuvelas.....Oil Trading Academy