Hello, good evening.
I have come across this site many times, and it has helped me a lot. I am seeking help again and I hope someone can let me know what steps should be taken so I can bring our child here. I am just really confused with all the information I've been reading, and I'm having a difficult time understanding it.
I came here in 2012. I received my ILR August 2014. My husband is a British citizen, and he is the father of my child who's currently under the care of my mom in the Philippines. We both haven't gone home since I got here. :(
Initially, I thought we could bring him here by just registering him, but I was wrong because he wasn't born here and my husband couldn't pass on his citizenship if the child wasn't born here because he's a naturalized citizen whom his dad applied for a British passport in the Philippines many years ago.
I don't know where to start. Do we go through the same process as when I applied for a spouse/settlement visa? Is there a possibility of rejection? We send him money every month, but of course we put it under my mom's name.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks! Happy New Year!