Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
Pull the other one Joe - if they don't do it for the money they'd kick their grasping BMA union into touch and revert back to pre 2004 hours and give the taxpayers a decent service.

Read my first post Joe the £300 odd rate is what some consultants get.

Lets get back on topic why no 24/7 service ???????, if there was the A & E's wouldn't be in the state they are
I see you've not answered about yours or the plumber's hourly rate ??

Some consultants get £300 a hour? How many? All of them, or just one of them? As usual, Daily Snail

The father of five works 60 to 70 hours a week for Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust. His basic salary is £53 000 a year plus £26 000 for on call, and he tops this up with a small amount of non-NHS work.

He splits his time between two hospitals, working with two consultants and doing elective and trauma surgery. He has his own clinics and operating lists, helps train future consultants, and does ward rounds.

“Basically I do a lot of what a consultant does but I am supervised at arm’s length,” says Mr Price.

He works about one in six weekends and is on call on a one in eight basis

Some days are packed. For example on Monday he has an all-day operating list from 7 30 am to 5 pm at Pontefract, then goes to Wakefield to do a ward round until 7 30 pm.
From the link Dedworth, it's not Daily Snail fantasy land.

He’s contracted to do a 44 hour week and is part of a team of five consultants, so he does one night in five on call and works one in five weekends.