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Thread: Children in Need

  1. #31
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Talking of Children in Need, I've just read on that the disabled can drive at 16!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can you imagine that? Disabled children driving, that's scary. There should be a big warning sign on the back of their cars!!

    Or the other way of looking at it is that normal, fit, able, intelligent young people are being discriminated against. Isn't that illegal?

    Personally I think people shouldn't drive until they're 21 when they're a bit more mature.

  2. #32
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So you'd prefer a 16yo paraplegic to get on a bus then? And not have the independence of other folk the same age? Besides, other kids only have to wait a year.

    I very much doubt a disabled 16yo, would drive the same way as an 18yo roadster, they are the killers.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #33
    andypaul's Avatar
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    The freedom it gives the disabled 16 year old i doubt very many would ever dare drive dangrously.

  4. #34
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    totally agree with scouser keith and andypaul, when your a disabled teenager, you've had to grow up quicker and be more mature and responsible than your average teenager, and take things less for granted..

  5. #35
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I don't see how you can generalize. I don't think my 16 year old son is less mature because he's able bodied

  6. #36
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    I don't see how you can generalize. I don't think my 16 year old son is less mature because he's able bodied
    You've never worked with real disabled teenagers then have you? Insurers charge £2000+ for the first year on teenagers for a reason, the disabled folk are covered by Motability, and they would not give them a vehicle if it was a higher than normal risk, which able bodied teenagers are. The stats are quite clear.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think many disabled teenagers would be more mature than your average teenager, as they may have had to make decisions about life-threatening surgery and cope with a level of pain which would flatten most non-disabled people, and forced to deal with their disability and miss out on a 'normal childhood', just as many teenagers and even younger have to mature quicker when they face looking after a disabled parent and becoimng more responsible...

  8. #38
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think many disabled teenagers would be more mature than your average teenager, as they may have had to make decisions about life-threatening surgery and cope with a level of pain which would flatten most non-disabled people, and forced to deal with their disability and miss out on a 'normal childhood', just as many teenagers and even younger have to mature quicker when they face looking after a disabled parent and becoimng more responsible...
    You are correct about this Joe - the stats prove it. I am seeking an article I read about this not long ago.


  9. #39
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Talking of begging..... What do forum members think of beggars in the Philippines?
    When I'm with the wife and her family and we're approached by beggars, usually kids or old women, the wife may give them a few coins but seems to give them the cold shoulder perhaps cos she can see them targetting me as a "rich" (I wish) Westerner.
    Last year a kid came up to me with his hand out and all I had on me was a tissue, a pack of Polo mints and a wallet full of 1000 Peso notes. So there I am on holiday and it's hard to get money out of the bank in the provinces so I'm not going to give away P1000 to anyone who asks so I offer him the mints or the tissue. He couldn't have been that hungry cos he refused the mints I reckon most beggars aren't genuinely hungry they're just too lazy to work.
    Anyway, I accept that there are a lot of very poor people in the RP but should we just hand out cash to everyone who hassles us while we're there?

    Thoughts anyone?
    My country is devastated of corruption and corruption and corruption. Our economy is being saved thanks to all the remittance that comes from the OFW and Filipinos all over the world.
    Our welfare is non existent! You will see everywhere children begging on the streets, most are victims of poverty and violence you could ever imagine, cardboard house built on the streets, under the bridge or in any place.

    Youth that are being involved in drugs are everywhere. Old people being left to die because poor families can't afford medication or hospitalization. You are lucky if you have a job and being paid miserably, because that means you can bring food to your family and help yourself as well not to get mad in this unbearable poverty. Not a merry scene to witness...and who is to blame?
    We have rich people also, who you will see with their 'tata' in their uniform while tailing them and their child when they are out shopping. Rich people who shop and eat in expensive restaurant unperturbed of the poverty that surrounds them. As being their slaves, you have to obey from your masters 'utos' if you don't want to be fired, there will be hundreds of people who would fill your job right away . These are the new rich people, as if they are waiving to everyone their status symbol. (where did we inherited this kind of treatment to our own people?).
    I am not blaming anyone...but as you look to Filipino's they seemed not to be bothered by this. They will be 'bahala na ang diyos' or 'basta makakaraos din', there is no ambition or will to change the course of their lives with their own effort.
    There are many things that I don't like by the ways we Filipino's have been taught and brought up and this is one of those.
    Those who got out from poverty had already forgot what it is like to be there. The Filipino way of surviving for their own sake first. There is no sense of community, of belonging to the same country.

    However, It's been a long time that this thing has been hanging around at the back of my mind, to build a charity organization to help filipino children. If there is anyone out there who are willing to discuss it with me, feel free to send me a message or post it here, if Admin would approved.

    We could start a new thread to discuss these things if you like Gavanddal.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  10. #40
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Philippines!!! I thought you were talking about London
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #41
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Actually, no word of a lie, I was approached every single day by beggars when I worked in Liverpool. This didn't happen to me in the Philippines. Interesting parallel eh?

  12. #42
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Actually, no word of a lie, I was approached every single day by beggars when I worked in Liverpool. This didn't happen to me in the Philippines. Interesting parallel eh?
    They're not beggars......that's just the way we are
    Keith - Administrator

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