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Thread: Reflections on my move to Davao City

  1. #1
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    Cool Reflections on my move to Davao City

    It was always my aim to retire to Asia.
    After living in Japan for so long I thought that's where I'd finally end up. However, after marrying a Filipina, visiting the Philippines so many times and travelling all around with my wife we both decided that retiring to the Philippines, specifically to Davao City, came out as our best option.

    I'd spent years visiting all over the Philippines and spent literally hundreds of hours researching before finally relocating.

    Reflecting on our first 3 months here in Davao City I can confidently say that, on the whole, almost everything has worked out much better than either of us had hoped.

    Despite the fact that we hadn't organised anywhere to live we were confident we could secure something without much hassle and time.
    Our bottom line 'worst case scenario' was to stay with family for a while until a more permanant home base could be fixed.

    Before leaving UK I found a good online post/mail handling service with a proper UK address (as opposed to a PO address)
    They handle all my mail management/forwarding requirements including notifying me when I have mail and scanning the envelope and or contents based on my online instructions and email me a pdf of either the envelopes or the contents, as I choose. My mail can be forwarded or shredded and they can also deposit cheques into my bank if needed.

    We found a great place to rent short term in a great neighbourhood. We like the area so much we've decided to stay and spend quite a bit of time looking around at properties to buy as a longer term plan.

    For many reasons we're not as close to family (emotionally) as we initially anticpated, but that hasn't impacted our capabilities or our happiness.

    I made the move with a pretty open mind hoping to relax, enjoy a new full life and follow the flow.
    So far that has worked well. I feel much more relaxed despite being in strange surroundings, I've actually lost around 8kg of weight but am eating more. Our diet tends to be much more focussed on fresh healthier foods and daily consumption of wonderful fresh fruits. The bananas here are just wonderful and cheap as chips. Well almost all the food is so cheap compared to what we had in UK.
    My blood pressure has dropped significantly. Whether it's less stress, better diet of my daily intake of Tundan (Latundan) bananas I can't say. Could be a combination of everything in my lifestyle I guess.

    I'm planning to try a spell of not taking my BP tablets for a while and see what happens to my levels over say a week or so.

    Reflecting back, I feel we made a good decision to come here. We're very happy and so far didn't find any major downsides.
    Of course it's still a honeymoon period and we do understand that.
    We're experienced enough ex-pats to know that no place is as good as some folks we meet here will have us believe through their rose coloured glasses.
    At the opposite side we just can't comprehend how other folks moan and winge about how terrible it is here. If it's that bad why don't they find somewhere else that they do like.

    Haven't made any European friends although many acquaintances to wave to and shout greetings at.

    We seem to have made friends with a good few locals and we've really learnt a lot of good stuff from them.
    To be honest we find so much more joy in our lives when we avoid European ex-pats. That's just my personal experience not any serious scientific observation.

    After some small refurbishments costs we have finally put a couple of Manila properties on the market with the aim of building a cash fund with which to buy outright a 'settling down' property for our future.
    Means we're planning out of scope any thoughts of returning to UK
    It's does no good making comparisons between UK and the Philippines. Totally different places with totally different lifestyles.
    It suits us here. We love the place we love the people...
    Whatever fears we might have had, we've discovered that fears are generally bigger than the reality.

    More to come from Davao City as we progress

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Glad you're enjoying it, I like Davao too

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Very happy for you both, I'm sure you have made the right move.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Very interesting to read how your Philippine life is progressing.

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I agree with all you have said Terpe. I visited Butuan 9 times in three years and a few more places in Mindanao, felt very comfortable there and made quite a few friends. That is why my plans are to retire there. You just have to get used to their way of life and show respect to people and they will respect you back.

    There are some horror stories that come out of the Philippines, but you can find that here too - just open any paper here or watch the news. You can just as easily get killed or robbed here - in fact it is getting worse here. And like you mentioned, there is not half as much stress in the Philippines as living in the UK, personally speaking.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    folks ... don't wish to "rock the boat" but I've no desire to settle in the Philippines, for a number of MAIN reasons, viz:

    Temperatures are far too humid for my liking

    Being a diabetic, I need regular health checkups and simply couldn't afford the cost of either the various medications or the notoriously expensive hospital treatment.

    But MOST IMPORTANTLY ... I'd dreadfully miss my immediate family.

    Now I expect anyone reading this post might be thinking, "what about Myrna's many relatives and friends??" Well ... as it happens, Myrna's parents are no longer alive and each of her five brothers are married with their own families. Besides ... ... she likes (indeed actually prefers) living here in the UK, has adjusted admirably to the culture, maintains regular video-cam contact with those back home and - being naturally outgoing - formed loads of new friendships.

  7. #7
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Thats good Arthur each to his own. We all have our reasons for doing one thing and another.

  8. #8
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    I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm attempting to convince folks on the benefits of relocating anywhere.
    Some seek a better life in Australia, USA, Canada or elsewhere.
    Some seek a retirement filled with whatever 'rocks their boat' both at home or overseas.
    Like you said Andy, we all have reasons to do or not to do something.
    Variety is the spice of life.

    Here in Davao City the heat and humidity are a real challenge for many folks and it's really easy to understand how that would be a 'deal breaker'
    If you cannot find a lifestyle that fits in with the prevailing climate I'm sure it would end up in a miserable life.

  9. #9
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    Great write up Terpe, I'm glad it's going well.

    I'll have to see if Mayor Duterte would be happy to receive me on a fact finding mission to discuss zero tolerance policies

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    folks ... don't wish to "rock the boat" but I've no desire to settle in the Philippines, for a number of MAIN reasons, viz:

    Temperatures are far too humid for my liking

    Being a diabetic, I need regular health checkups and simply couldn't afford the cost of either the various medications or the notoriously expensive hospital treatment.

    But MOST IMPORTANTLY ... I'd dreadfully miss my immediate family.

    Now I expect anyone reading this post might be thinking, "what about Myrna's many relatives and friends??" Well ... as it happens, Myrna's parents are no longer alive and each of her five brothers are married with their own families. Besides ... ... she likes (indeed actually prefers) living here in the UK, has adjusted admirably to the culture, maintains regular video-cam contact with those back home and - being naturally outgoing - formed loads of new friendships.
    Having said that ... I'd be the first to concede that I find the Filipino people to be the nicest I've ever met anywhere.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Is your wife from Davao, Peter, or did you decide to live here because of previous visits?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ako Si Jamie View Post
    Is your wife from Davao, Peter, or did you decide to live here because of previous visits?
    My wife is from a small fishing village about 3 - 4 hours away.

    The option to live there was firmly on the table at one time, especially as we have a beach front property there. We seriously thought long and hard about refurbishing and extending it.
    Finally decided that living amongst so many family members was not a recipe for a peaceful life.

    We enjoyed our life in Yokohama so much and decided that a return to a "village life in the city" offered the benefits and lifestyle to fulfil the needs and wants of us both.

    We're both having fun discovering Davao City since my wife doesn't know it either.
    We did visit many times before and always had a good feeling for the place and the people.

    It's still early days yet and we've decided to take plenty of time before buying our own place.
    Our plan B is still available for us and we're planning to visit that island in May this year.

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update Peter and I am so glad that you are enjoying your new life here.
    Long may it continue and only get better and better!

  14. #14
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    So glad it's working out well Peter!

    Having such a short time knowing what I do about the Phils, I too intend to live there one day.

    Where, I have no idea, but as a base it's going to be Marikina.

    However, I do know I would love to build another home with a larger lot and a good view. But where?

    If you don't mind telling me - by PM - more about the properties you are thinking of selling.

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