Speaking of airports - How come when I leave the UK with a case weighing just under 20Kg - have it checked in as such at Heathrow - transited at Hong Kong - how come when I check it in at Manila to fly to Cebu, it suddenly weighs 24.5 kilos?????
'Show us your bloody scale', I said. Sure enough - the scale read 24.5 kg.
'Excess baggage sir' I am told.
'I don't want to know about your missus' I say. 'How much d'ya want?'
'120 pesos sir.'
'Here you go - have a nice drink

'Oh no sir, you have to take this paper to the desk over there.'
[ As a teacher you are supposed to possess patience to the 'n'th degree - but I know I'm being ripped off here - so I'm losing it]
(At the desk) 'That will be 136 pesos sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

This is inflation gone f*****g mad!!!!
I get the suitcase to Fuente Pension in Cebu and ask if it is possible to weigh my suitcase. It is! ( I recommend Fuente to anyone by the way)
How heavy is my case? 19.6 kg!!!
I rest my case!!!!
(Perhaps this should have been a rant)
I'm OK now I've got it off my chest (and got a glass of Bells
