I finally found out from my wife 6 months ago she was attacked by an ex at a party about a week before we first met hence the pregnancy but she kept it from me for 18 months.
It was only after I had a paternity test done when I found out the truth.
She told me she was drunk at the time and was not aware what had happened but insists it was against her consent and found him in bed next to her the next morning when she told him she never wanted to see him again.
No Graham she told me I am her only one and truly loves me.
Rayanputi maybe I am blowing this all apart as she has told me to move back into the bedroom at anytime I want but I feel so much has been lost.
I am the affectionate one and she very very rarely shows any sort of affection, I can count on one hand the times she has showed me any, I am the one who initiates anything will all set times when we can spend any time together which is normally a 15 romp pardon the pun.
She is a very hard person to read and says she has always been not really affectionate towards anybody but I don't know what to believe anymore, I just wish I was happy like I once was before I found all of this stuff out.
Anyway will leave it there for now and thanks for the advice so far.
Kind regards,