Originally Posted by
Harry T
Jack86, it's tough reading your problem, and being divorced, I guess I'm not the best to be giving advice.
However, firstly you have nothing to be feeling guilty about, you yourself have done nothing wrong.
However, here goes:
I find it very unusual that your Gf knowing you were going to be visiting her in 7 days allowed herself to be in a position where she got drunk, and found another guy in her bed when she woke up. I suppose really that's the ONLY plausible explanation she could give you, she was never going to tell you it was her last fling before you came out.
Yes, having a young child does need adjustments and is difficult, but to remain in separate rooms after 2 years, I'm afraid that's difficult to accept. It seems your wife is showing symptoms of not wanting your love, (these are the symptoms she should have shown 1 week after the alleged NONE consent) and you appear to have more like a Brother and Sister relationship right now, and to be in separate rooms after 2 years is not normal whatever country you are in.
Every one of us wants to Love and be Loved - that's a normal, natural behaviour.
You, at the moment, and over the recent past, are not getting this from your wife. How does she expect you to feel? If you are not getting something at home, then it's a normal reaction to look elsewhere. You at the moment have not done this, but believe me, sooner or later you will. All that your wife has said to you is she will give you your own child (WOW, how generous of her to consider a natural thing) this year. DON'T do it Jack86, your marriage is NOT stable enough.
You need to sit down with her and decide where YOU are heading. Look her in the eye and ask her outright if she loves YOU. If she says yes, then YOU need to tell her she HAS to start showing it, because right now YOU are NOT feeling her Love for YOU. Give her time - let's say 6 months or so - and see if things change. Don't plan a child during this time. After this, chat and if things don't change then you know there is only one choice for YOU. And, if you don't want to stay in a loveless marriage, you HAVE to make that decision.
If your wife says she doesn't Love YOU, then you can go ahead with your decision more or less straight away. However, in MY opinion your wife is NOT going to say this, she is going to want to hold on to what she has, a roof over her head, a comfortable Lifestyle which includes more than average number of holidays, a husband who foots all the bills, a husband who contributes to the upbringing of another's child. It's a lifestyle she could only Dream of back home in the Phils, and really your wife doesn't contribute much - if anything - to this marriage either financially or emotionally.
She says she loves you, and would never hurt you intentionally. Doesn't she realise that's exactly what she is doing right now? And YOU would regret it if you walked away. Yes, maybe you would have regrets, but will YOU not have bigger regrets if you stay in an apparently loveless marriage ?
Whatever you decide Jack86, you know in your own mind you can't carry on as you are at this moment in time, it's not normal behaviour. Take as long as you need to sort your problems out, but this seems to me a one way relationship. If that's what you want, then fine, stick with it. If she can't give you what you need - and it's NOT another child right now - please don't use another baby to try to repair what's wrong.
Good luck with whatever you decide. I think YOU know in your own mind things can't go on, which is why you posted. I was in a relationship/married 20 years, I had 3 step children as was often thrown at me (blood is thicker than water) during ANY argument she always sided with them. I'm now divorced. My biggest regret? That I didn't divorce sooner. My present circumstances? I am alone, I could go back to my ex tomorrow, but the problems we had then would still be there, so I choose to remain alone. I really hope YOU can sort this out but, in your heart of hearts, I think you already know the answer. I have tried to see this from a neutral's perspective; in all truth, I can't see ONE thing YOU are getting from this sham of a marriage. HARSH, I know, but that's what it is..