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Thread: Help regarding sleeping arrangements

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  1. #1
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jack86 View Post
    Hiya Rosie,


    I know I have hard times ahead and decisions I will have to make but I worry what if she is genuine like she tells me she is, why stay with me for 5 years if she has a partner back home, why make love to a man is she doesn't love me, why as a devout catholic who attends church weekly before god and swears on the bible also her mother's and son's life that what she has told me is the truth and that she loves me unconditionally, why do I still have doubt.

    Why would a woman do this to a good man and tantamount her self as basically a prostitute if she sleeps with me for financial gain.


    Thank you,

    You have doubts. Maybe it's because you don't think everything she tells you is real and genuine? Actions speak louder than words as they say. Does she know everything that you feel and posted here? Does she understand whatever you are feeling?
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    You have doubts. Maybe it's because you don't think everything she tells you is real and genuine? Actions speak louder than words as they say. Does she know everything that you feel and posted here? Does she understand whatever you are feeling?
    Yes, Rayanputi you are right, I don't seem to believe everything she tells me. Yes, I also feel sorry for her at times that she gave up everything to be with me - most off all her family, who are very good God-worshipping people.

    I have nothing but genuine love for her and I have said that to her, that no man could love her like I do and I totally believe that because its true.

    Like I have said she is a beautiful person so that's why I feel I am doing wrong for doubting her.

    I have given my all to be with this woman and even said to her that if she does not love me we can live as friends but stay married and I will get her through this 5-year immigration journey. At least I will still have my daughter - which is better than nothing, but she insists that she wants this marriage to work and does love me with all her heart.

    I even asked her if has been hurt in the past by somebody - going back even to her childhood - but she insists she hasn't and that she is just not a "touchy feely" person but that doesn't mean she doesn't love me.

    She has not read this yet but I think she needs to soon..


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