Originally Posted by
Harry T
I didnt intend commenting anymore as things stood, bcuz you are your own person and will make up your own mind, However you have since said you had just come out of a 14 year relationship (never easy) and basically jumped into the arms of the first woman that came along. Yeah i know some people believe in Love at first sight and it does happen but rarely, i think you were infatuated with this women, and you let your Heart rule your head (perfectly understandable) given that she is a pretty and inteligent young woman.
You mention of giving her an ultimatum of giving you your own Biological child, that is just what more or less EVERYONE has advised AGAINST. You need to think very clearly about the consequences of doing that Jack, right now you hold the upper hand, albeit that you are NOT happy, and seemingly have what could be best described as a sham marriage, but you can at this moment, and i quote your words
(I have spoken to my lawyers regarding rights and I am in a very good position under the new 5-year rule. It has certainly been good for me if she is playing a game, because under old rules she would have had ILR by now and be entitled to up to half of everything I own.)
Now just supposing you do get your OWN biological child by her, but things remain the same within the marriage, NO affection, Sleeping in seperate rooms, etc etc, remember by this time she will be further down the immigration road ILR, entitlement to half of what you own and what you earn (entitled to be kept in a way that she is used to) which will leave you in a very difficult position with regards your Biological Child, and NOT only that but an awkward financial position should you enter into another relationship at some future date. Then is it fair and wise to bring another Child into what you have already said is an unhappy home ?.
I really think you SHOULD reconsider this ultimatum you say you will give her, she may just agree to YOUR ultimatum knowing full well this will give her the time she needs to comply with the New Immigration rules, and then YOU and YOUR Child will be in a far worse situation than you are now, but SHE could/would be in a far stronger position by not only qualifying for ILR, but also being Mother to YOUR Biological child, and everything that brings with it with regards to the financial situation.
Jack, Walk away Now, or do whatever you deem to be best, but having a child in your present situation is probably the worst thing you could do.