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Thread: applying for IRL Visa

  1. #61
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    What a disaster! Can't believe this happened, the data was sent unrecorded now millions of families are at risk.

    This one is very serious and the issue in Northern Rock is not yet done, whats next?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  2. #62
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i'm sure the cds must be encrypted, and no use to anyone..

    but then, were talking about a gov department , looks like another court case coming up

  3. #63
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    The cd's were not encrypted so say on 5pm news on radio 4

  4. #64
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well i'm sure they've be on a torrent site soon then

    crazy, stupid and irresponsible gov dept, they must have an IT department, with someone whos passed a basic A+/security exam

  5. #65
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Even a Manc could figure out what to do with the discs..........make a nice ash tray
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #66
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Even a Manc could figure out what to do with the discs..........make a nice ash tray
    i've seen cd's stuck near the number plates of cars in scouse land, they believe they deflect the radar signal from the traffic cops

  7. #67
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i thought it was aimed at me , only thing scouser keith believes in, is the horse he's backed in the 4:30 at kempton park

    andypaul, the reason visa fees are so high now is the gov know people will pay, you don't have much of a choice, i've read on a blog, that someone tired to find out the details of the meeting where the new visa prices were decided using the freedom of information act, the home office said to him, it would take more than 15 hours to get the information he wanted, so it wasn't covered by the act, and it would charge him £46 an hour to get the information he wanted, as this is their hourly fee they charge..

    so if i use the home office £46 an hour , ILR now costs £750 / £46 = 16 hours, i would like to know what they do for those 16 hours ? check with my bank - err no they cannot do that becuase of the data protection act, check with my boss, no after all the visa's i've applied for, no one has ever contacted my work asking about me, checked with my mom? nope !, so what do they do for the 16 hours . it would not take more than 1 hour to look and read all the evidence that i've sent for a visa app. its just another scam to make

    They know they will pay of course people pay the same amount for fake passports and to be brought into the uk. So i can see them going higher much higher, its the normaly drip drip increase all our goverments love.
    I would think one months pay for a typical brit worker will be the max say 1500-2000 pounds that they feel they can get away with for ILR. Like alan sugar used to make sure all items were under the 500 pound mark, as that was the man in the streets credit limit on their barclaycard at the time.

    I have read several articles and listened to many interviews where basically various goverment ministries have been told if they want more money they need to get it themselves.
    If the Borders are to be tightened the money has to come from somewhere. They will use a overpriced computer system specially used for them which will run way over budget.

    50 pounds or so for conversion of right to marry cert.

    500 plus for spouse visa

    750 to 950 for ilr

    Im sure they will be looking for more fees like you say they know people will pay it for love and many other reasons.

    I noticed in the new form it asks if it is ok to contact your work place. Maybe they can tell alot from you from your ni number not sure if it had to be written on the application form or not? I remeber wanting to send a parcel to a address which was not my own or a work address and when speaking to the company the lady said they could see from my card details that the address was not my own or my work address. I said what if i had just moved she said we can only send to registered adress or your work address so i guess the info certain people/companies can see or check agaisnt may be bigger than we think.

    The ilr walk in takes 4 hours and most of the first hour is waiting around then 30 mins to an hour producing documents for us a decision was made once we had produce the documents. Certain pages of the form were entered into the eco's pc and i could see her head scan the screen reading a whole screens worth of info about what i don't know.
    Then you wait an hour or so for the passport stamp and of you go once you have picked it up after a brief wait and chat of the wifes rights and a photocopied page with some really useful info we have both forgotten.

    I guess previous applications, police checks, tax records, seeing if they are from up norf. The cost of the stamp im sure we pay way over the odds for special machines which only one company make and hold the goverment to ransom with.

    46 pounds an hour would be very low for any professional with all the other bits they tack on. Any one you would consult cost a minimum down sarf of 100 pounds an hour or so and then the cost of the stamp which im sure the goverment could claim would cost some huge amount.

    Also remeber you have to pay for all the assylum claims.

    On the day we were there they had three queues one for appoiments, one for hoping to get an on the day appoiment which was far bigger than i thought it would be. Then a sizable queue for those claiming asylum many who had very nice mobiles and were wearing latest and recent season uk high street clothes and shoes (the wifes an expert not me) and lets put it one way they dont look like they just flew in yesterday.

  8. #68
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i wouldn't call your bog standard case worker a pro who can earn anywhere near £46 an hour !!, i think the most they would earn is the low £20ks, i'm sure apps that are not straight forward and need a bit of thinking about would go to a senior case worker, who would earn a bit more.

    i'm sure for a stragiht forward spouse visa, its all done in less than an hour, like you said at peo they do most in a couple of hours, they just tick the little boxes on the form, and if there all ticked you get your visa , if not then they pass it on to someone senior, who either grants the visa or writes you a nice refusal letter .

    not long ago, b4 aprils price rises, the gov were claiming the cost of the visa was what it cost to process the visa app , sure it did.. now they are making more money out of it, get everyone who enters or leaves this country to pay for immigration control, why the big burden on spouses !!

    why should i or you or all the others on here who go by the law and pay, pay for those who break the law,,, bits from a couple of posts from another forum,,

    'i came from zimbabwe to the uk in 2001 july as a student but was refused visa at the airport.was given directions to leave but went on the run.i applied for asylum in october 2002'

    'My case is that I applied for asylum in '98 and you know how most cases end up, my last appeal was around 2003 and because i was singning in every month i had to stop because of the prospect of being caught and deported( advise of the solicitor). Meanwhile I studied (BSc in Computing this septemeber graduation) and work ( Manager in small company), I got married ( my wife has no status, she came and over stayed her visa )'

    what can i say..................

  9. #69
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    I agree with both joebloggs and andypauls last posts.
    By the way I didnt agree with the way Margaret Thatcher treated Ian Smith but thats another subject.
    I think you will all agree the visa's were due for a price rise it's been £250 or their abouts for a few years now but like all taxes what can we do?
    What we can do is vote in elections may be that would help?
    we are an easy target, we would pay any reasonable amount to get our loved ones here We would find it from somewhere..

  10. #70
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I saw ayslum case workers job in metro and i guess slightly above the norm but im sure was 30k plus with mega pension and benefits and they were based in lunatic house plus the behind the scene staff as the buliding huge!

  11. #71
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i don't want to single out asylum seekers, as there are genuine ones out there, my parents fleed the nazi's in 1945 and came here, but what got me a bit was my misses manager introduce her to a consultant at work to get her a clinical attachment, but the consultant said "sorry i only do asylum doctors" international med grads in the uk are worse off than british, european and asylum seeker docs..

  12. #72
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    im not wondering why the documents are missing the other european country got it to claim all benefits they wanted, poor briton....

  13. #73
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i don't want to single out asylum seekers, as there are genuine ones out there, my parents feed the nazi's in 1945 and came here, but what got me a bit was my misses manager introduce her to a consultant at work to get her a clinical attachment, but the consultant said "sorry i only do asylum doctors" international med grads in the uk are worse off than british, european and asylum seeker docs..

    I would like to also comment that i think the Aslyum system is one of the things along with the free for all NHS and benefits to those in need are things i would fight and if need be give my life for. Trust me as a born coward i don't say such things lightly.

  14. #74
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    3 weeks ago, the HMRC lost the 2 discs containing 25 million peoples personal details and now another disaster has come!

    3 Million Learner Drivers' Details Lost

    Three million British learner drivers' details have been lost in Iowa in the United States.

    The information was personal, but not financialTransport Secretary Ruth Kelly told MPs in the House of Commons that the information was personal, not financial.

    It had been lost by a private contractor used by the driving standards agency to process the driving theory test, she said.

    A hard disc containing the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of three million learner drivers was missing.

    There were no bank account or credit card details on the disc. Nor were there National Insurance numbers, dates of birth or signatures.

    Ms Kelly said the individuals not been informed but apologised for any concern to anyone who had taken their theory test between September 2004 and April 2007.

    She said the private contractor had changed its methods so that the loss of data could not happen again.

    Shadow transport secretary Theresa Villiers said this was another example of "systemic failure".

    She said this latest incident was another reason for the Government to reconsider the introduction of a road-pricing scheme.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    3 weeks ago, the HMRC lost the 2 discs containing 25 million peoples personal details and now another disaster has come!

    Three million British learner drivers' details have been lost in Iowa in the United States.
    Why oh why is data about British citizens being kept in a foreign country??
    "Data Protection Act" anyone?

    Time for this government to go, ideally missing or lost somewhere.

  16. #76
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    They followed the Data Protection Act.

    It's a GLOBAL market now Rob old chap, I deal with many other countries with my data.

    Look at the cost over here you are charged. IE. I wanted a quite for some software; £3000 UK, £1800 USA, then down to £300 in the likes of China, Thailand, etc

    And it wasn't actually 'lost' in transit, it was robbed from the place where the data was being worked on. That can happen anywhere, as someone wanted another HD, not bothered what was on it.
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    They followed the Data Protection Act.
    Maybe they did, but it doesn't inspire confidence if Gov't intends to roll out ID cards, all that data....

  18. #78
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Guess what data has been lost this time?

    Well this time Nine NHS Trust Admit Losing Patients Details

    Hundreds of thousands of patients' confidential details have been lost by NHS trusts in the latest missing data fiasco.


    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  19. #79
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    They've never been secure anyway in the history of the NHS. Anyone could walk into the filing room until the mid-90's, and read any file. No locked doors, no guards....nothing.

    Pretty useless info, knowing Mr Dollops hospital number, and that he has a boil on his , is not going to make a Nigerian rich.
    Keith - Administrator

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