I met my wife on Asianeuro website,.. posted my first picture on the site January 25th 2005..got about 65 replies next morning..scanned through them and spotted this girl from the province, no make up, no posing..just a face with a baseball hat on!
Went over to see her in February that year after realising she wasn't a scammer, spent 10 days there and only kissed her about 10 times (that's all!)..went home, realised I was missing something in my life after being with her and returned 3 weeks later for another 10 days. This time I proposed to her and asked her mother for permission, bought the ring then went back home.
To cut a long story short, she collected all her papers really fast, I phoned the Embassy - got a cancellation interview date for her - and flew back again in May just to accompany her from Cebu to Manila for her interview. I had pre-booked her flights for her from Cebu to Manila (return) and also from Manila to UK (return) both for the same day !! (the day after the interview).
After me holding my breath for 4 hours while she was in the Embassy applying for the fiancee visa, she eventually appeared at the top of the stairs waving her passport with a brand new visa to come to UK with me! Hehe..what a risk I took doing all that in the space of 6 months! Been married to my wife for 10 years come October this year, have two absolutely gorgeous kids with her and she is now a full UK (Scottish) citizen!
A totally life-changing decision made on the spur of the moment to fly "beyond Europe" for a change!
Still very happy..