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Thread: does anyone here know a site that states I am allo

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Goodevening to all!
    I desperately need your help. I am looking for the government site which clearly states that I am allowed to work here in the UK. I am married to a british citizen, and I just arrive here two months ago. I tried to apply for a work and to go to college but they didn't not emply me or the school didn't accept me because they need an evidence that I am permitted to work or the school will just accept me if I have a student visa.
    What should I do?
    Please help me. Does anyone here knew the law about this
    Your help would be very appreaciated. PLease help.

  2. #2
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    You could try here as a starting point

  3. #3

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    As the wife of a British Citizen with a spouse visa in your passport you have the right to work - NO FURTHER PERMISSION REQUIRED

    When you get a job the employer will "register" you for a National Insurance Number - this takes a few weeks to come through and you need to attend an interview

    My wife has been trying to get a job but so far it seems that the employers are reluctant to take her on becasue she does not have an NI number

    we will keep trying

  4. #4
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    Originally posted by mupsuit@Jan 20 2006, 06:51 PM
    As the wife of a British Citizen with a spouse visa in your passport you have the right to work - NO FURTHER PERMISSION REQUIRED

    When you get a job the employer will "register" you for a National Insurance Number - this takes a few weeks to come through and you need to attend an interview

    My wife has been trying to get a job but so far it seems that the employers are reluctant to take her on becasue she does not have an NI number

    we will keep trying
    Ok, I think we touched on this subject a few months ago, but an employer cannot obtain a NI number, you will need to apply at the local job centre or social security office, only they can issue NI numbers after an interview.

    Having worked in payroll for the last 10 years, changes made by IR in last 2 years mean that employers in the UK now cannot take on staff without a NI number, the onus is on the employee to obtain one. There are exceptions to this rule where an employee gets a temporary NI number (maybe this is what you are referring to mupsuit), but a permanent one must be obtained.

    Elsa had hers very quick - no more than 6 weeks, and the staff at the local Social Security office were very helpful.

  5. #5
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    ....and the staff at the local Social Security office were very helpful.....
    They must have been pissed then!!

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  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    My Wife just recently came to the UK on a spouse Visa back in October. We started looking for a Job for My wife and totaly by chance managed to find her a job in a local Coffe bar.

    We found it best to go round the local Shopping centres looking for Job adverts in windows. We were concerned about My wife not having a national insurance number but from the reading i have done this is not technically a problem.

    Heres infomation on NI numbers

    This website states what information the employer needs from you as proof.

    My wife photocopied her passport (the name and details page and page with stamp) and also took proof of address which was her bank statment.

    hope this helps a little

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Originally posted by meagan@Jan 20 2006, 06:47 PM
    Goodevening to all!
    I desperately need your help. I am looking for the government site which clearly states that I am allowed to work here in the UK. I am married to a british citizen, and I just arrive here two months ago. I tried to apply for a work and to go to college but they didn't not emply me or the school didn't accept me because they need an evidence that I am permitted to work or the school will just accept me if I have a student visa.
    What should I do?
    Please help me. Does anyone here knew the law about this
    Your help would be very appreaciated. PLease help.
    My wife went to college for a year in the UK to gain qualifications to study nursing. The entrance bumf for the college stated that she could not be a 'free' student unless she had been in the UK for at least three years. They didn't bother about it though and let her enroll anyway.

    Come the time to start university and someone DID care about the three year rule, and she had to wait another 18 months before she could start uni doing a nursing diploma. The problem was with the NHS, who pay her grant, rather than at the actual university.

    She started training two weeks ago, and seems to be going to plan now.

    So, there are rules for foreigners who want to be students in the UK.

  8. #8
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    Have you a letter from either the British Embassy, or Immigration in Croyden, stating that your visa permits you to work ?

    My wife started working almost immediately after arriving in the UK on a permanent settlement visa, but she also had a letter, which she was able to show to employers.

    It was never a problem, and the NI number also came through quickly.

    Seek advice at your local jobcentre too.

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